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gossip girl 4 英文-第9章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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law?something to do with carrying shopping bags full of items that didn?t exactly belong to her 
out of a well…known department store? She?s in rehab; too; but don?t worry?the film industry will 
find a way to bring her back。 In fact; that?s what distinguishes the flavors of the month from the 
real stars。 We kind ofwant to see her again。 We want to know that there?s life after being busted。 
We want to see her rise to new heights; whereas we don?t much care what happens to Sally。 At 
nineteen; she was already tired。 

The ins and outs of rehab 

Rehab and college are actually very similar as far as status is concerned。 There are the select few; 
which are filled with celebrities and the children of the very rich; and then there are the rest of 
them; which are filled with regular people。 Getting into the best ones is highly petitive; but 
once you?re in; you?rein 。 So I wouldn?t worry about our darlingN 。 He may be in trouble; but his 
parents aren?t about to send him to the rehab equivalent of munity college。 

 Your e…mail 

Q:? ? Dear GG; 

I?m an intern at Les Best Couture; and I heard Les sent a spy toS ?s school to check out what she 
looked like。 He was kind of mad that she was hired without him even seeing her。 


A:? ? Dear lil; 

I bet he?s not mad anymore though; right?


Q:? ? dear gossip girl; 

how e you never mentionK andI anymore? It makes me wonder if maybe you are one of 


A:? ? Dear eyespy; 

I?ll never tell; so wonder away! 



KandI ?there; I mentioned them?inBryant Park ; freezing their butts off in skimpyBlue Cult 
denim miniskirts as they tried to get the interns working the doors of theFashion Week tents to 
give them first… or second…row seats for Friday and Saturday?s runway shows instead of their 
usual ones toward the back。B rentingHow to Steal a Million ; starringAudrey Hepburn ; for the 
seventeenth time atBlockbuster on Seventy…second and Lex。 I guess that?sone way of preparing 
for yourYale alum interview。N headed up the Merritt Parkway toward Connecticut in the back seat 
of his parents? blackMercedes SUV 。 On his way to rehab; maybe?V inBarneys ; of all 

places; checking out a frayed black hemp driving coat with chain…mail seams and vintage 
hook…and…eye buttons byCulture of Humanity by Jedediah Angel 。 She looked tempted; but at that 
price she?d be better off ripping up her own clothes and fastening them together with paper clips。 

My problem isn?t getting into the first row?it?s which show to go to。 Theyall want me! Sigh。 
Being popular can be seriously hard work。 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

jande explore their problem areas 

?Five more minutes; ladies;? announced Ms。 Crumb to her Constance Billard ninth…grade 
creative writing class。 She pulled her curly black hair out of the way and prodded the wax in her 
right ear with the eraser of a yellow number two pencil。 ?Remember; it?s notwhat you?re writing 
about buthow you describe it。? 

None of the girls looked up。 They were too busy writing; and besides; they really didn?t want to 
see what Ms。 Crumb was doing when she thought they weren?t looking。 They?d already been 
grossed out enough times。 

According to the girls;all the female teachers at Constance Billard were lesbians; but Ms。 Crumb 
was the only teacher at Constance who was officially out。 She wore a rainbow pin to school every 
day; shared a country house in New Paltz with five other women; and often referred to 
her ?partner??as in; ?The other night my partner was drinking Amstel Lite and watching Barbara 
Walters; who she has a total crush on;while I sat in the kitchen and graded your papers。? Every 
year the ninth graders looked forward to having Ms。 Crumb?s creative writing class; assuming 
she?d be cool and down…to…earth since she was so forthright about her sexuality。 But after a day in 
her classroom her students realized they weren?t just going to sit around for forty…five minutes 
talking about girl stuff with a woman who liked girls?they were going to have to write things 
every day in class; read them out loud;and then listen to Ms。 Crumb and their classmates criticize 
what they had written in a sometimes not very nice way。 Ms。 Crumb was a major hardass; but as 
far as subjects went; creative writing was still a hell of a lot better than geometry。 

Today Ms。 Crumb had asked the girls to pick a partner? in the platonic sense?and write a 
paragraph describing a part of their partner?s body。 Of course Elise and Jenny had picked each 
other。 They were beginning to do almost everything together。 

It?s odd that we decorate our ears with earrings and don?t try to cover them;Jenny wrote。They?re 
just as indecent as the parts we do cover; like bare holes that go straight into our heads。 My friend 
Elise?s ears are small; with a little blond fuzz on them。 She has good hearing; too; because she 
never says; ?What?? and asks me to repeat myself。 I guess she keeps them pretty clean。 

Jenny looked up and decided to erase the last line and replace it with something else。 Ms。 Crumb 
might get offended; since she obviously had some kind of ear…cleaning fetish。 

But instead of writing something else to replace the ear…cleaning line; Jenny?s mind wandered 
back to her e…mail。 She?d been checking it regularly; just like Blair had told her to; however; the 
only messages she?d gotten had been jokey ones from Elise and her brother; telling her to stop 

checking her e…mail and get back to her homework。 She glanced at Elise; who was scribbling away; 
already on her second page。 Jenny wished she had Dan?s knack for the written word。 She was 
better at detailed drawings and painting and calligraphy。 

At the top of the page she drew an elaborate drawing of Elise?s ear and the side of her face; 
hoping she?d score points for being artistic; even if her essay sucked。 Her mind wandered again; 
to the blond boy she?d spotted in Bendel?s。 Was he artistic; too? 

The bell rang to mark the end of last period and Ms。 Crumb stood up and brushed chalk dust 
from her dark gray wool pinafore dress that looked like it had been made by nuns somewhere cold 
and fashionless; like Greenland。 

?Time?s up; ladies。 Pencils down。 You can hand in your papers as you leave。? She tucked her 
maroon…stockinged feet into a pair of black felt L。L。 Bean clogs。 ?Happy Thursday afternoon!? 

?So what?d you write about?? Jenny asked Elise after they had packed up their book bags and 
were on their way out the school doors。 

?None of your business;? Elise answered; blushing。 

?Don?t think I?m never going to find out。 You?ll probably have to read it out loud on Monday;? 
Jenny reminded her。 ?I wrote about your ears; but it kind of sucked。? 

The two girls bowed their heads against the fierce February wind and headed over to Lexington 
to take the bus down to Bloomingdale?s on East Fifty…ninth Street。 Elise had enlisted Jenny to 
help her to find the perfect pair of jeans for less than eighty dollars; and; as usual; Jenny needed 
some new bras; since she was always wearing out the elastic or breaking the underwires in the 
ones she had。 

Bloomingdale?s was a tacky war zone of tourists sporting the new tracksuits and sneakers they?d 
just bought at Nike Town; along with gaggles of blue…haired bargain hunters; but it was the only 
place to go for oversized bras and moderately priced jeans other than Macy?s; which was simply 

Those with better taste and bigger credit limits went to Bergdorf?s; Bendel?s; or Barneys; but for 
people like Jenny and Elise; Bloomingdale?s would just have to do。 

?I can?t believe you can just put those on and they?re the perfect length;? Jenny said enviously as 
she watched Elise try on her first pair of Paris Blues jeans in the dressing room。 Jenny was barely 
five feet tall and had to shorten everything。 Elise was five foot seven; but she had other problems; 
like her pletely flat chest and the podge that padded her hip bones and lower back like a 
second butt。 

Elise scrunched up her freckled face and stared down at the bulges riding above the waistband of 

the low…rise jeans。 ?See why I can?t eat in public?? she grunted; sucking in her stomach and 
tugging on the waistband。 The jeans were 9 percent Lycra; but that didn?t seem to make much 
difference。 She exhaled and let her stomach out; giving up。 ?Okay; forget it。 Next pair。? 

As Elise inched herself out of the reject ones; Jenny held up a beautiful pair of dark rinse flared 
Seven jeans that were on sale and would be a major score if they fit。 She noticed Elise was 
wearing light blue lacy underwear and quickly averted her eyes so Elise wouldn?t accuse her of 

Elise took the jeans; slipped her feet into them and slid them up around her hips。 ?Oh my God。 I 
can?t believe I forgot to tell you this;? she said; tugging on the button…fly waist。 ?Before creative 
writing I heard Kati Farkas and Isabel Coates talking about Nate Archibald in the bathroom at 
school。 They said he almost had to go tojail because he was caught dealing to some 
twelve…year…olds in the park。 His dad had to go dow

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