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gossip girl 4 英文-第8章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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Serena gave him a quick air kiss and then headed out into the cold。 She couldn?t wait to give 
Aaron his present and tell him the news。 He could wear the jacket to the show and then they could 
drop by the after…party together so she could show him off。 

Outside; she no sooner lifted her cashmere…mittened hand than four cabs on West Fourteenth 
Street screeched to a halt and honked for her attention。 

See how difficult it is to be so beautiful? 

 vrocks people?s worlds 

Ruby was on another Martha Stewart spree; and the tantalizing scent of freshly baked brownies 
wafted into Vanessa?s bedroom as she sorted through submissions forRancor ; the Constance 
Billard student…run arts magazine of which she was editor…in…chief。 Heat blasted from the steaming 
radiators; and the sounds of ambulance sirens and car horns wailed through the two open windows。 
Vanessa?s bare wooden floor was scattered with the usualRancor submissions: twenty 
black…and…white photographs of clouds; feet; eyes; or the family dog; three short stories about 
learning to drive and feeling the tug of independence despite the writer?s appreciation for her 
parents and all they?d done for her; and seven poems discussing the meaning of friendship。 


After the third short story; Vanessa retrieved Ruby?s sugaring kit from the bathroom。 Sugaring 
was an extremely messy; all…natural; and ?virtually painless? way of removing the hair on your 
legs。 You covered your legs with sticky brown goo; applied a strip of white cloth; and then ripped 
the strip of cloth away from your leg; taking the hair with it。 

 Painless?Yeah; right。 

Vanessa kicked her black leggings onto the floor; laid a black bath towel over her black…and…gray 
patchwork bedspread; and sat down on top of it。 She basted her pale; stocky calves with the sugary 
stuff; feeling like a giant glazed donut。 Usually she was extremely low…maintenance; but if Dan 
was going to be hanging out with supermodels and agents and fashion designers; she thought she 
should at least try to make an effort and do something about the hair on her legs。 Besides; spring 
was just around the corner。 She might even go crazy and try sporting a miniskirt。 

?Fuck!? she yelped; ripping off the first strip of gauze。 Who?d e up with the idea that women 
were supposed to be all smooth and hairless like babies? What the hell was wrong with a little hair? 
Most men were covered with it。 

She ripped off another strip。 ?Christ!? Okay; this was officially insane。 Her skin was so raw and 
red she wouldn?t have been surprised to see blood gushing from the hair follicles。 

Her phone rang and she snatched it up and growled into it; ?If this is you; Dan; I want you to 
know that I?m frigging ripping the hair off my body with my bare hands right now; and I?m doing 
it all for you; which is pretty fucking poetic if you ask me!? 

?Hello? Vanessa Abrams? This is Ken Mogul; filmmaker。 You sent me your New York film essay 
a few weeks ago。 We met in the park on New Year?s Eve?? 

Vanessa sat up straight and adjusted the phone against her ear。 Ken Mogul was only; like; one of 
the most famous alternative film directors ever。 At Christmastime he?d happened upon a clip of 

Vanessa?s work on the Web and had been so impressed he?d flown all the way from California to 
look her up。 The problem was; he?d found her at exactly midnight on New Year?s Eve; which had 
been exactly the same moment Dan had shown up to give her a big fat New Year?s Eve kiss。 
Needless to say; Vanessa had sort of blown Ken Mogul off; although she had made the effort to 
send him her New York film essay when it was finished。 

?Yes; I remember;? she answered quickly; pletely amazed that the director even wanted to 
speak to her again。 ?What?s up?? 

?Well; I hope you don?t mind; but I showed your film to Jedediah Angel; who?s a personal friend 
of mine; and he wants to use it as a backdrop for his Fashion Week show this weekend。? 

Vanessa wrapped the black bath towel around her legs。 It was sort of embarrassing talking to Ken 
Mogul when she was practically naked and covered in sugary brown goo。 ?Jeremiah what?? she 
asked。 Ken always seemed to speak in Hollywoodese; and this time she had absolutely no clue 
what he was talking about。 

?Jedediah Angel。 He?s a fashion designer。 His label is called Cult of Humanity by Jedediah 
Angel? Very hot。 Jed says you?re the next Bertolucci。 Your film?s like the anti?La Dolce Vita。 You 
really rocked his world。? 

Vanessa grinned。 Why did people have to sound so cheesy just because they?d made it? She?d 
rocked his world? ?Great;? she replied; unsure of what to say。 ?Is there anything you need me to 

?Just e to the show and enjoy。 I?ll be there of course; and there are some people I want you 
to meet。 You?re already a moviemaking goddess; babe。 You totally rock。? 

?Cool;? Vanessa replied; slightly appalled that he?d actually told her she rocked not once 
buttwice 。 ?So what?s the designer?s name again?? 

?Cult of Humanity by Jedediah Angel;? Ken repeated slowly。 ?SixP。M。 Friday at Highway 1。 It?s 
a club in Chelsea。? 

?I?ve heard of it。? It was the type of place Vanessa normally avoided like the plague。 ?I guess I?ll 
see you there。? 

?Fan…fucking…tastic!? Ken enthused。 ?Ciao!? 

Vanessa hung up and rubbed at a glop of dried sugaring paste on her wrist。 Then she picked up 
the phone and dialed Dan?s number without even looking at the keypad。 

?Hello?? Jenny answered on the first ring。 

?Hey Jennifer; it?s Vanessa。? Vanessa always called Jenny Jennifer because Jenny had asked her 

?I?m not sure if Dan will talk to you。 He wouldn?t talk tome ; and he?s been locked in his room 
ever since he got home。 It?s so gross?there?s cigarette smoke; like;pouring out from under the 

Vanessa laughed and flopped back on her black pillows。 Everything in her room was black; 
except the walls; which were dark red。 ?How do you know he?s not in there putting gel in his hair? 
That new haircut looks pretty high maintenance。? 

The two girls snickered。 

?I?ll go see if I can get him。 Hold on。? 

?What?s up?? Dan picked up the phone a minute or two later。 He sounded distracted。 ?Jenny said 
it was an emergency。? 

Vanessa lifted her leg in the air and tugged at another sugaring strip。 It appeared to be glued 
permanently to her skin。 Talk about emergencies! 

?I thought you?d want to know that Ken Mogul just called。 He said some designer named 
Jedediah Angel who has this fashion label called Culture of Humanitarianism or something is 
using my film essay as a backdrop for his fashion show on Friday night。 Ken said I really ?rocked? 
Jedediah Angel?s world。? She snorted。 ?Isn?t that hilarious?? 

?That?sfantastic ;? Dan responded earnestly。 ?Seriously。 Congratulations。? 

Fantastic? Since when did Daniel Humphrey use words likefantastic ? Vanessa didn?t know what 
to say。 Dan hadn?t caught the sarcasm in her voice at all。 As if she?d only called him to gloat 
about her success。 

?Okay;? she said evenly。 ?I just thought you?d want to know。 I?ll let you get back to work now。? 
She thought of cracking a joke about how one day when they were both rich and famous they 
could buy big…ass mansions next door to each other in Beverly Hills。 But then she decided against 
it。 Dan would probably think she was serious。 ?Call me later if you feel like it; okay?? 

?Okay;? Dan replied; obviously distracted by whatever new poem he was working on。 

After hanging up; Vanessa scooted off the bed。 A corner of the black towel was now glued to the 
back of her left knee。 She waddled into the bathroom to try and shower off the sugaring crap。 
Maybe one day when she was disgustingly rich and famous she?d have her own personal waxing 
and sugaring staff; but for now she?d have to get rid of the rest of the hair on her legs the 
old…fashioned way?with a pink plastic Daisy shaver。 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

The flavor…of…the…month club 

So what ever became of that fake…breasted fake blond pop princess with the permanently bare 
midriff whose songs werealways on the radio when you woke up in the morning and stayed in 
your headall day ; driving youinsane 。 I?ll call her ?Sally? here; so as not to offend any of her 
adoring fans; but I?m sure you know who I?m talking about。 I heard she had a nervous breakdown 
and has been in rehab in Palm Springs ever since。 She likes it so much there she?s buying a ranch 
right next door; redoing it in shades of pink; and calling it Sallyland。 If we?re lucky; she?ll stay 
there forever; only busting out in her late sixties to do overproduced cabaret shows on the Vegas 
Strip to prove that she can still lip…sync with the best of them despite her advanced age and 
drug…addled mind。 

What about our favorite twenty…something actress who got into that bit of trouble with the 
law?something to do with carrying shopping bags full of 

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