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gossip girl 4 英文-第5章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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Isabel leaned against the stoop?s metal railing and took a sip from a paper cup full of whipped 
cream?topped hot chocolate。 She was wearing a Kelly green Dolce & Gabbana coat from a 
weekend sample sale。 It was buttonless and tied at the waist with a thick black cord; like a Kelly 
green monk?s robe。 

No wonder it never sold out back in October。 

?Maybe if you got some Japanese foot bindingdone those boots wouldn?t hurt so much;? Isabel 
continued。 ?Or if you?d letme buy them instead of you; sinceI?m the one who saw them first。? 

?Chinese;? Jenny couldn?t help but correct。 ?The Chinese used to bind women?s feet。? 

Kati and Isabel stared at her blankly。 ?Shouldn?t you be in school?? Isabel demanded。 

?They?re smoking with us;? Blair said protectively。 It was kind of fun having two little 
ninth…grade sisters。 Not that she ever wanted areal little sister or anything。 

Kati pretended not to notice that Blair was actually being nice to these two little snot…nosed 
fourteen…year…olds and threw her arms around Blair?s neck instead; kissing her on each 
Stila…powdered cheek。 

 Mwah! Mwah! 

?I can?t believe I haven?t said anything; but your hair looks totallygorg 。 I just love; love;love it!? 
she squealed。 ?You were so brave。 I heard you got gum in it。 Is that why you decided to go so 

?Can I touch it?? asked Isabel。 She put down her hot chocolate and reached out to pat the back of 
Blair?s head with a tentative hand。 ?It feels so weird! Like a boy!? 

Blair suddenly wished she?d worn a hat or some sort of turban to school。 She dropped her 
cigarette on the step below her and squashed it with the pointy toe of her boot。 ?e on; you 
guys;? she beckoned; rising to her feet and holding out her gloved hands to Jenny and Elise like 
Mary Poppins collecting the children at the playground。 ?I?ll walk you back to school。? 

Jenny and Elise tossed their cigarettes into the shrubbery in front of the brownstone next door 
and stood up; hitching their bags up on their shoulders。 Now that they?d tried smoking cigarettes 
with the seniors on a freezing…cold stoop; they weren?t exactly sure what the attraction was。 

?Do you think my hair would look good that short?? Elise asked; hurrying to keep up with Blair。 

Anything would have been an improvement on the my…first…haircut bob Elise was presently 
sporting; but Blair didn?t have the heart or the energy to tell her。 ?I?ll give you my stylist?s 
number;? she offered generously。 

As they turned down East Ninety…third Street; Mary; Vicky; and Cassie burst through the doors 
and waved to them。 

?We saw you leave at recess!? 

?We came out to get you!? 

?We didn?t want you to get in trouble!? 

Blair put her arms around Jenny and Elise and herded them toward the school doors; wise to the 
fact that the three girls were just being obnoxiously nosy。 ?We?re fine;? she told them 
coolly。 ?Shouldn?t you be in class?? 

Mary; Vicky; and Cassie stared after them in hurt disbelief。 They wereso much cooler than Jenny 
and Elise。 What did they have to do to prove it? 

Serena remained on the chilly stoop; not exactly thrilled that she?d been left alone with Kati and 
Isabel。 She examined her split ends; trying to e up with the perfect you…got…into…college! gift 
for Aaron while Kati and Isabel waited eagerly for the real scoop on Blair?s hair。 

?Did she have lice or something?? 

?I heard she had this manic depressive fit and hacked it off with a nail scissors。 She had to go to 
the salon to fix it。? 

?I think it looks cool;? Serena answered dreamily in reply。 

Kati and Isabel glared at her; disappointed。 If Serena wasn?t going to dish anything out; they?d 
just have to make something up。 

And let?s be honest?that sounds likemuch more fun。 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

The premature male midlife crisis 

What?s withC ?shighlights ? Sure; they sort of match his stretchy pastel shirts and orange Prada 
sneakers; but since when was he so 。 。 。 outr?? I also heard he was seen on Monday night dancing 
at a new red…rope; guest…list…only club in Greenwich Village calledBubble ; a very boys…only kind 
of scene; if you know what I mean。 Could it be that since he?s already hit on every female in the 
city; he?s moved on to the males? 

The other boy I?m a little concerned about isN ; my personal favorite。 Yes; he?s still as hot as 
ever; and yes; I would give up my Herm?s Birkin bag to be his fairy princess。 I just wish he?d stop 
lurking around upper Fifth Avenue taking surreptitious slurps from that silver flask he keeps in his 
pocket and looking like a nervous wreck。 If he needs a hand to hold; he knows where to find me。 

But the greatest transformation of all is in skinny; scruffyD 。 If you haven?t seen him since this 
morning; this is breaking news: he got a haircut! It?s definitely the work of the old man barber on 
Broadway and West Eighty…eighth; but his sweet brown eyes are actually visible now; which is 
definitely an improvement; and there seems to be some sexy…literary…dude sideburn action 
happening; too。 He?s got it going on! 

Hanging out with the big girls 

It?s extremely flattering to be taken under the wing of an older girl and given a glimpse of the 
we?re…so…cool…we…don?t…even…have…to…think…about…trying side of life。 But don?t get carried away; 
thinking said older girl is going to start asking you out to the movies。 She?s not。 And as soon as 
she gets too busy with APs and parties and shopping for sandals; or whatever it is older girls do in 
their spare time; she?s going to forget about all those groovy times you had together。 She might 
even forget your name。 Of course; I could be totally wrong。 Maybe you?ll wind up friends for life 
and sponsor each other at the Connecticut country club you both join when you?re married with 
kids。 Or not。 Don?t say I didn?t warn you。 

 Your e…mail 

Q:? ? Dear GG; 

So I may have misread what was going on; but I?m pretty sure I saw A from Bronxdale with this 

other girl in our class; and he was all; ?I?m the man; I?m into Harvard;? and she was all; ?You?re 
so hot。 I want you。? Um; doesn?t he have a girlfriend?


A:? ? Dear S。I。B。; 

What does S。I。B。 stand for; anyway? Seeing is believing? Sad in Biloxi? Small is beautiful? If 
what you say is true; I?m S。F。A。C。B。?sad for a certain blond。 


Q:? ? Dear Ggirl; 

I heard B got caught doing drugs in school and now she secretly has to do munity service。 
She?s going to rehab; too; which is why she cut all her hair off。 They make you do that; like; in 


A:? ? Dear Daisy; 

It sounds like a bad made…for…Lifetime special。 You don?t really believe all that; do you?


Oops。I?m late for my fake…tan rubdown at Bliss?it?s theonly way to stay smiling till summer! 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

nbuys a dime bag 

On Tuesday after school; Nate wandered into Central Park to check out the dealers in Sheep 
Meadow。 He?d gone a full twenty…four hours without getting high; and instead of feeling healthy 
and energized; he was bored out of his drug…free mind。 His classes at school seemed twice as long; 
and even Jeremy Scott Tompkinson?s lame…ass fart jokes barely made him crack a smile。 

The late afternoon sun hung low in the sky; casting an eerie golden glow on the frozen brown 
grass in the meadow。 Two heavyset guys dressed in black sweatshirts with the wordStaff printed 
on the back were passing a football back and forth; and a tiny old woman wearing a red Chanel 
suit and a fox fur stole was walking her freshly groomed bichon frise。 As usual; the dealers were 
all sitting on benches around the perimeter of the meadow; listening to WFAN on their Discmans 
or reading theDaily News 。 Nate spotted a familiar redheaded guy dressed in a light gray Puma 
tracksuit with matching gray…and…white Puma sneakers; gray wraparound shades; and a fuzzy 
black Kangol hat。 

?Hey Mitchell!? Nate called delightedly。 Damn; it was good to see him。 Mitchell raised his hand 
in greeting as Nate walked over。 ?I thought you were in Amsterdam; man。? 

Mitchell shook his head slowly。 ?Not yet。? 

?I?ve been looking for you。 I was almost going to buy from one of those other dirtbags。 You?re 
carrying; right?? Nate asked。 

Mitchell nodded and stood up。 They began walking down the pathway together; just two friends 
taking a stroll in the park。 Nate pulled a folded…up hundred…dollar bill from his coat pocket and 
held it in his fist; ready to slip it into Mitchell?s palm as soon as he passed over the goods。 

?I got a new shipment in from Peru;? Mitchell said; pulling a plastic baggie of pot out of his 
pocket and handing it discreetly to Nate。 

If you happened to be in the park watching them; you might have thought they were just sharing 
a snack or something。 That is; if you were pletely na?ve。 

?Thanks; man。? Nate handed over the hundred and tucked the plastic baggie

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