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gossip girl 4 英文-第4章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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not know it yet; but you?re hot shit; Daniel。 The public needs a serious young poet to make them 
feel worthless and superficial。 And now that we?ve got their attention; we?d sure as hell better 

keep the momentum going。 You?re the next Keats; and we?re going to make you so famous so fast; 
you?ll think you were born that way。 Looking forward to it。 Ciao!? 

Dan wobbled outside the door of the chemistry lab as he listened to Rusty Klein?s loud; 
breathless message for a second time。 He?d heard of Rusty Klein。 She was the agent who?d 
negotiated the million…dollar book deal for the Scottish jockey who?d claimed to be Prince Charles? 
illegitimate son。 Dan had read about it in theNew York Post 。 He had no idea what the Better Than 
Naked show was; but it was pretty cool of Rusty to put him on the guest list for it when they?d 
never even met。 He also loved being called the next Keats。 Keats was one of his major influences; 
and if Rusty Klein could recognizethat after reading only one of his poems; he definitely wanted 
her to represent him。 

Tucking his phone back into his bag; he pulled out his copy ofThe New Yorker again。 This time 
he turned to the Contributors page; reading his short bio before he turned to his poem on page 
forty…two。 He read the poem from start to finish; no longer ashamed to see his own work in print。 
Rusty Klein thought he was good?Rusty Klein! So maybe it was true。 Maybe hewas good。 He 
looked up and peeked through the little window in the chemistry lab door at the row of boys? 
heads; all lined up like chess pieces facing the blackboard。 School suddenly seemed so trivial。 He 
was on to phenomenally bigger and infinitely better things! 

Suddenly the lab door swung open and the bizarrely short Mr。 Schindledecker stood gazing up at 
Dan; wearing an ugly double…breasted suit and pulling on his wiry brown mustache。 ?Are you 
planning to join us; Mr。 Humphrey; or would you rather stay out here and watch through the 

Dan rolled up his copy ofThe New Yorker and tucked it under his arm。 ?I think I?ll join you;? he 
replied; stepping inside the lab and walking calmly to a seat at the back of the room。 How strange。 
Dan never did anything calmly; and he?d barely recognized his voice when he?d spoken just now; 
for in it was a brazen note of cockiness; as if something new inside of him had blossomed and was 
ready to be let loose。 

It was like that line in the Keats poem; ?Why Did I Laugh Tonight??Verse; Fame; and Beauty are 
intense indeed。 。 。 。 

And Dan was definitely feeling it。 

the scoop on the stoop 

?Let?s go outside and smoke cigarettes;? Elise whispered in Jenny?s ear as they headed down to 
the cafeteria for recess; Constance Billard?s 11A。M。 juice…and…cookies break。 Only 
second…semester seniors were allowed to leave school during recess; so she was very clearly 

proposing something pletely illegal。 

Jenny stopped on the stairs。 ?I didn?t know you smoked。? 

Elise unzipped the small outside pocket of her beige Kenneth Cole backpack and pulled a pack of 
Marlboro Lights halfway out。 ?Only every once and a while;? she replied; pushing the pack back 
inside in case a teacher came down the stairs。 ?Are you ing?? 

Jenny hesitated。 If the receptionist noticed them leaving; she might yell at them and then call 
their homeroom teacher or even their parents。 ?How??? 

?Let?s justgo ;? Elise urged; tugging on Jenny?s hand。 She started to run down the stairs; pulling 
Jenny after her。 ?Go; go;go !? 

Jenny held her breath as she followed Elise downstairs and sprinted across the red…carpeted 
reception hall toward the front doors。 Trina; the school receptionist; was barking into her headset 
and sorting the mail at the same time。 She didn?t even notice the two freshman girls streak past 
without stopping to sign out。 

Blair sat alone on the East Ninety…fourth Street stoop favored by the Constance Billard senior 
girls; furiously smoking a Merit Ultra Light and running through the college interview questions 
she?d been prepared to answer since October。 There were only two days left until her interview 
with Owen Wells; and she absolutely refused to fuck this one up。 

Tell me about your interests。 What kinds of things are you involved in after school? 

I?m president of the French club and the social services board at school。 I?m also a peer group 
leader; counseling freshmen on social issues。 I?m nationally ranked in tennis?I play all summer; 
but only twice a week during the winter。 I volunteer in soup kitchens whenever I can。 I also chair 
the organizing mittees for about eight charity functions a year。 We were going to do a 
Valentine?s Day ball this Sunday to benefit Little Hearts; a charity for children with heart 
problems; but the ball got canceled because of Fashion Week。 We were worried no one would 
e。 I sent a letter to everyone on the guest list and still raised almost 300;000。 Fundraising has 
always been one of my particular strengths; and I definitely plan to volunteer my services at Yale。 

Blair could just imagine Owen?s eyes widening in impressed surprise。 How could Yalenot accept 
her? She was first class。 

A first…class liar is more like it。 The whole soup kitchen thing is pletely bogus; and she?d sort 
of skipped the part about the sevenother chairpeople who?d helped raise the money for Little 

 ?Hey Blair!? 

Serena was ambling down the sidewalk toward her; wearing black fishnets with a hole in one 
knee; her luminous blond hair pulled up in a messy bun。 For some girls this would have been a 
very white…trash moment; but for Serena it was an 
I…can…get…away…with…this…because…I…look…good…in…anything moment。 A cab rushed down the street 
and the driver whistled out the window and honked as he drove by。 Serena was so used to the 
sound of men whistling and cars honking; she never even bothered to turn around。 

She sat down next to Blair and pulled a crumpled turquoise…colored pack of American Spirits out 
of her pocket。 She?d started smoking them when she and Aaron had gotten together; because they 
were supposed to be all natural and additive…free。 

As if there?s such a big difference between all…natural carbon monoxide and fake carbon 
monoxide。 Get real。 

?I still can?t believe how cool you look;? Serena breathed; admiring Blair?s hairdo as she lit her 
cigarette。 ?Who knew you?d look sohot with short hair。? 

Blair touched her head self…consciously。 She?d thought she was supposed to be mad at Serena but 
now she couldn?t even remember why。 Her haircutwas hot; if she did say so herself。 

Flattery can work wonders。 

?So; I?ve been trying to think of a good present to get for Aaron; you know; to congratulate him 
on getting into Harvard? Can you think of anything he really wants; or maybe something he 

Now Blair remembered why she was mad at Serena。Aaron; Aaron; Aaron。 It was boring to the 
point of utter nausea。 ?Not really;? she yawned in response。 ?A makeover?? 

?Very funny;? Serena replied。 ?Hey; don?t we know those girls?? 

Across the street; Jenny and Elise were walking in that self…conscious; bumping…into…each…other 
way fourteen…year…old girls have of approaching people they?re embarrassed to talk to。 

Eventually the two girls bumbled across the street。 ?We brought our own cigarettes;? Jenny 
announced as nonchalantly as she could; still a little freaked out that she?d just sneaked out of 

Elise pulled a pack of Marlboros out of her bag; but before she could offer one to Jenny; Serena 
tossed over her pack of American Spirits。 ?Put those away。 These are so much better for you。? 

Elise nodded her head seriously。 ?Thanks。? She pulled two cigarettes out of the pack and stuck 
them both between her lips。 Then she flicked on her mint green Bic lighter; puffing on them 

simultaneously before handing one to Jenny。 

Jenny sucked on it hesitantly。 After Nate had broken up with her; she?d tried to take up smoking 
as part of her new jaded…woman image; but they?d given her such bad sore throats; she?d had to 
quit after only a few days。 

?So; have you checked your e…mail today?? Blair asked her; cocking a freshly plucked eyebrow 

Jenny coughed out a lungful of smoke。 ?My e…mail?? 

Blair smirked to herself。 Even though that blond boy in Bendel?s had been kind of dorky looking; 
he and Jenny would make a very cute couple。 The beanpole and the big…breasted cutie…pie。 ?Forget 
it;? she replied even more mysteriously。 ?Just be sure to check it regularly from now on。? 

Of course now Jenny wanted to sprint back to school to check out her e…mail; but she couldn?t 
just abandon Elise; especially not when two more senior girls were walking toward the stoop to 
join the smoking party。 

?My fucking feet are killing me in these boots。 It?s like Japanese foot binding。? Kati Farkas 
plopped herself down beside Blair and unzipped her peacock blue Charles Jourdan ankle boots。 

?Stopwhining about those boots;? Kati?s glued…together…at…the…hip friend Isabel Coates moaned。 
Isabel leaned against the stoop?s metal railing and took a sip from a paper cup full of whipped 

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