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gossip girl 4 英文-第38章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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Street。 When the elevator doors rolled open she instantly recognized Serena?s new navy blue 
cashmere pea coat flung carelessly on top of the toile Louis XVI chaise in the foyer。 It was still 
hard to get used to the idea of Serena hanging out at her house when she wasn?t even home。 

?Blair?? Serena?s voice echoed out of the former guest room; which now belonged to 
Aaron。 ?Get in here。 Where have you been?? 

?Hold on;? Blair called。 She pulled off her light blue duffle coat and hung it up in the coat closet。 
She didn?t really feel like explaining her drastic new look to Serena and Aaron while they were 
sitting around in their underwear or something equally nauseating; but she didn?t see how she 
could get out of it。 If she ignored them; they?d soon be banging her door down; bouncing up and 
down on her bed; and demanding her attention like immature imbeciles。 

The smell of herbal cigarette smoke wafted out into the hall。 ?Hey;? she called; standing outside 
the half…opened door。 

?e on in;? Aaron slurred。 After two glasses of Dom Perignon he was already tipsy。 ?We?re 
having a party。? 

Blair pushed open the door。 The room had been redecorated for Aaron in shades of aubergine and 
cerulean; with funky fifties gray metal shutters in the windows instead of curtains and giant vinyl 
beanbag chairs on the floor to lounge around on。 The woven organic hemp mat covering the 
hardwood floor was littered with CD cases; puter games; DVDs; music magazines; and library 
books about Jamaican Rasta culture and the evils of the meat industry。 Serena and Aaron were 
sitting on the disheveled Edwardian four…poster bed; drinking champagne out of her mother?s best 
crystal flutes;in their underwear ; just as Blair had predicted。 Actually; Serena was wearing one of 

Aaron?s oversized hunter green BRONXDALEATHLETICT…shirts; with her white satin La Perla 
panties peeking out from underneath it。 

Well; at least it wasnice underwear。 

Blair was about to ask what the big occasion was when Serena blurted out; ?Aaron got in! He got 
into Harvard!? 

Blair stared at them; bile rising in her throat。 It was hard enough to look at Serena?s gorgeous 
abundance of long; pale blond hair now that her own hair was sitting in a trash can back on 
Fifty…seventh Street; but the smug smile on Aaron?s annoying dreadlocked face was enough to 
make her want to projectile vomit all over his stupid cruelty…free rug。 

?Pull up a beanbag;? Aaron offered。 He pointed to the Harvard mug sitting on his desk。 ?That 
mug?s pretty clean if you want some champagne。? 

Serena waved a sheet of cream…colored paper in the air。 ?Listen to this。 ?Dear Mr。 Rose;?? she 
read aloud。 ??We have reviewed your application and we are very pleased to inform you of your 
acceptance to Harvard University?s class of??? 

Blair had gone to the hair salon without eating any lunch; and this little we…love…Aaron 
worshipfest was making her dizzy with disgust。She was the one who should have been openingher 
early acceptance letter; but after her botched interview Constance Billard?s college advisor had 
told her it was best not to apply early。 Getting into Yale had been Blair?s sole mission in life?well; 
besides marrying Nate Archibald and living happily every after in the ivy…covered brick town 
house just off Fifth that she already had picked out?but now she?d have to wait until April along 
with all the rest of the morons in her class to find out if she?d even gotten in。 It was pletely 

?Sorry; Blair。? Aaron sipped his champagne。 He?d always been supersensitive about ruffling 
Blair?s feathers; but he was feeling too good about himself right now to bother。 ?I?m not going to 
apologize for getting in。 I deserve this。? 

As if the enormous new science wing his father?s development pany built on campus last 
year had absolutely nothing to do with it。 

?Fuck you;? Blair replied。 ?In case you forgot; I would be hearing from Yale right now if you 
hadn?t kept me up drinking shit beer and eating crappy junk food in that gross motel room the 
night before my interview。? 

Aaron rolled his eyes。 ?I never told you to kiss your interviewer。? 

Serena let out a little snort and Blair glared at her。 

?Sorry;? Serena apologized quickly。 ?e on; Blair;? she coaxed。 ?You?re; like; the best student 
in our class。 You?re totally getting in。 You just have to wait until April to find out。? 

Blair kept on glaring at her。 She didn?t want to wait until April。 She wanted to knownow 。 

Aaron lit another herbal cigarette and tilted his chin toward the ceiling to blow a few smoke rings。 
Already there seemed to be a sort of lazy; superior air about him; as if he knew he could just drink 
champagne all day for the rest of second semester and still go to Harvard。 The fucker。 

?Hey;? he yawned。 ?I have to head up to Scarsdale to practice with my band; but let?s go out 
later to celebrate。? 

Serena stood up on the bed and did a few jumping jacks; as if she really needed the 
exercise。 ?Definitely。? 

Blair watched Serena?s gorgeous hair fly up into the air above her head and then cascade prettily 
down onto her shoulders as Aaron blew more smoke rings。 All of a sudden; Blair couldn?t stand to 
be in the same room with them。 ?I have homework to do;? she huffed; reaching up to feel her new 
hairdo as she turned to leave。 

?Oh my God!? Serena cried; vaulting off of Aaron?s bed。 ?Wait; Blair?yourhair !? 

Nice of her to finally notice。 

Blair stopped in the doorway and put a hand to where her dark hair fell in a clean line at the nape 
of her neck。 ?I like it;? she declared defensively。 

Serena walked around her like she was one of those Greek marble statues on the main floor of 
the Met。 ?Oh my God!? she repeated and reached out to tuck a flyaway hair behind 

Blair?s ear。 ?Ilove it!? she exclaimed; a little too enthusiastically。 

Blair wrinkled her pert nose suspiciously。 Did Serena really love it; or was she just being fake? It 
was always so hard to tell。 

?You look exactly like Audrey Hepburn;? Aaron remarked from the bed。 

Blair knew he was only saying what she wanted to hear to make up for being such a smug 
asshole about getting into Harvard。 She thought about mentioning her Yale alum interview with 
Owen Wells on Thursday night but decided to keep the interview to herself。 ?Excuse me;? she told 
them coldly。 ?I have stuff to do。? 

Serena watched Blair leave and then climbed back onto the bed beside Aaron。 She picked up the 
letter from Harvard and folded it up; carefully tucking it inside the envelope again。 ?I?m so proud 

of you;? she murmured; falling into Aaron?s arms and kissing him。 

Eventually Aaron pulled away; but Serena kept her eyes closed; licking the sweet herbal 
aftertaste of his kiss from her lips。 ?I love you;? she heard herself say。 The words seemed to have 
just fallen out of her mouth。 She opened her eyes dreamily。 

Aaron had never told a girl he loved her; and he hadn?t planned to say it to Serena; at least not 
right away。 But it had already been an amazing day; and she was so pletely gorgeous with her 
cheeks all flushed and her perfect mouth all red from kissing。 Why not? It was like the end of one 
of his secret cheesy rock…star fantasies; where he and some incredibly hot girl roared off into the 
sunset together on a kick…ass Harley。 

?I love you; too;? he said back; and kissed her again。 

Copyright ? 2003 by 17th Street Productions; an Alloy pany 

All rights reserved。 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or 
mechanical means; including information storage and retrieval systems; without permission in 
writing from the publisher; except by a reviewer; who may quote brief passages in a review。 

First eBook Edition: August 2008 

Hachette Book Group 
237 Park Avenue; New York; NY 10017 
Visit our Web site at。hachettebookgroupusa。 

The characters and events in this book are fictitious。 Any similarity to real persons; living or dead; 
is coincidental and not intended by the author。 

 ISBN 978…0…316…04203…1 

It makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch。 。 。 。 

 ?Ernest Hemingway 

The Sun Also Rises 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

February is like the girl at that party I threw when my parents took a ?second honeymoon? in 
Cabo last week (I know: sad)。 You remember?the girl who puked all over the Spanish marble floor 
in the guest bathroom and then refused to leave? We had to throw her Dior saddlebag and Oscar 
de la Renta embroidered sheepskin coat into the elevator before she finally got the message。 
Unlike most places in the world; though; New York refuses to fall into a February…induced 
depression and bee a cold; gray; dismal wasteland。 At least;my New York does。 Here on the 
Upper East Side we all know the cure for the drearies: one of Jedediah Angel?s crazy…sexy party 
dresses; a pair of black satin Manolos; that new ?Ready 

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