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gossip girl 4 英文-第34章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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jeopardize her control over the group。 ?Next?? 

?I?m Jodia and I?m an alcoholic; too;? said the chubby girl sitting next to Blair。 ?I even drank 
perfume once。? 

?Me too;? Blair cut in; eager to top Georgie?s performance。 She uncrossed and recrossed her legs; 
giving the room a glimpse of her sexy black fishnets through the slit in her dress。 ?I?m Blair 
and 。 。 。? She hesitated。 Where to begin? She took a deep; dramatic breath。 

?My parents got divorced last year。 It turns out my father was gay and he was fooling around 
with my mom?s personal assistant; who was only twenty…one。 They?re still together; and now they 
live in a chateau in a vineyard in France。 My mother just married this gross fat freak real estate 
developer and now they?re having a baby; even though she?s; like; a hundred years old。 It?s a girl; 
they just found out。 I was supposed to apply early to Yale; but my interview sucked。 So this old 
friend of my father?s said he?d give me an alumni interview。 He was really attractive and I?d 
never been with an older guy before so I kind of hooked up with him;? she glanced apologetically 
at Nate。 He?d forgive her for philandering; just as she?d forgive him for straying from her。 

Jackie listened with her mouth agape。 She was used to the kids in teen group giving a little more 
detail than was necessary; but she?d never run across anyone who seemed to enjoy talking about 
herself so much。 

?I think part of the reason I cut all my hair off was I was trying to make myself ugly; even though 
I didn?t realize it at the time。 I thought short hair might look cool on me。 But I think I was maybe; 
you know; bringing all the ugliness inside to the surface? And this past week I stayed home from 
school。 I wasn?t really sick; I just couldn?t?? 

?I?m sorry to interrupt; but if you could simply name your problem?;? Jackie broke in when she 
realized Blair wasn?t even close to being finished。 

Blair frowned and twisted her little ruby ring around and around on her finger。 It sounded like 
she had to have aspecific problem or they?d kick her out。 ?Sometimes when I?m upset?which; 
considering what my life is like now; is all the time?I eat too much; or I eat something that I 
shouldn?t; and then I make myself sick。?There ; that sounded convincing。 

Jackie nodded。 ?Can you name your problem Blair? There?s a name for that you know。? 

Blair glared at her。 ?Stress…induced regurgitation?? she answered tightly。 She knew Jackie wanted 
her to saybulimia ; but it was such a gross word; she refused to say it; especially in front of Nate。 
Bulimia was for losers。 

The rest of the room tittered。 Jackie was eager to get the group back on track after Blair?s 
soliloquy。 ?Well; I suppose that?s one way of putting it;? she noted; marking something on her 

She looked up and smoothed back her wiry brown hair。 ?Now it?s my turn。 I?m Jackie Davis and 
my job is to help youbreak away !? She punched her fist into the air and let out a little whoop like 
she was at a basketball game and her team had just scored。 She waited for the members of the 
group to punch the air with their fists and whoop along with her; but they just stared at her 
blankly。 ?All right。 Good。 Now I want you all to pair up。 We?re going to do a little exercise I like 
to call ?Go to hell; demon!? One of you is going to be the thing you just named; the thing you?re 
trying to break away from。 I want the other person to stand in your face and tell that demon where 
to go。 Tell it anything you want; but do it withfeeling 。 Make itreal 。 Okay; go ahead; pair up。 
There?s only seven of us; so someone will have to pair with me。? 

Hannah raised her hand。 ?Wait。 Are we talking totheir demon or our own demon?? 

?Yourdemon;? Jackie clarified。 ?This is going to help you exorcise it!? 

Blair waited for Nate to walk over to her; but before he even had a chance the pale bitch in the 
totally inappropriate orange satin short shorts minced up to him and took his hand。 ?Be my 
partner?? Blair heard her whine。 Everyone else had already paired up; so Blair was stuck with 

?All right; Blair!? Jackie screeched at her。 She was wearing clumpy brown mascara and her eyes 
were toad brown。 ?Let?s tell that demon where to go!? 

Suddenly Blair wondered if rehab was really the right place for her。 ?I have to go to the 
bathroom;? she announced。 Hopefully the exercise would be over when she got back; and she 
might be able to snag a seat next to Nate before they all sat down again。 

Jackie eyed her suspiciously。 ?Okay; but make it quick。 And let me remind you that all the 
restrooms are monitored。? 

Blair rolled her eyes as she pushed open the door and walked across the hall to the ladies? room。 
She washed her hands and reapplied her lip gloss; pulling open her dress and flashing the mirrors 
with her bare chest; just to give whoever was watching a cheap thrill。 Then she walked back across 
the hall and peeked in the door again; checking to see if they?d finished the exercise。 

Nate and that Miu Miu short shorts?clad slut Georgie were standing near the door。 She had her 
hands on Nate?s shoulders and their faces were only inches apart。 

?I?ve been thinking of a way to thank you for the roses;? Blair thought she heard Short Shorts 
whisper。 ?I want to give you a pony ride。? 

She wasn?t talking to her demon; Blair realized。 She was talking toNate 。 

Blair waited for Nate to express his horror and disgust at what Short Shorts was saying; but all he 
did was grin at her with his tongue lolling; like he couldn?t wait to hear more。 

?I?m going to cover you with?? Blair didn?t wait to hear the rest of Georgie?s sentence。 It was 
pretty obvious why Nate liked rehab so much and why he was so into reforming all of a sudden。 
She backed out the door and into the hall; pulling her cell phone out of her purse to call her mom。 
A car was supposed to e and get her in two hours to drive her back to the city; but no way was 
she waiting that long。 Rehab was nothing like a spa; it was just another classroom full of pathetic 
losers who needed to get a life。 

?You can?t use that in here; miss!? an aide shouted at her in the hallway。 Blair glared at her and 
marched down the hall and into the lobby。 One of the receptionists was reading a newspaper with 
a full…page color ad for Serena?s Tears on the back。 

Suddenly something occurred to Blair。 She?d never really thought about it before but Serena van 
der Woodsen?her supposed best friend?was the absolute queen of ebacks。 This past fall Serena 
had been kicked out of boarding school and had e home to the city; her reputation so smeared 
only the most desperate wanna…bes would talk to her。 But in a series of show…stealing cameos 
Serena had won everyone back; Blair included; and now she was the star of a fucking international 
perfume ad campaign。 If anyone could help Blair shimmy her way back to the top and make 
everyone fall in love with her again; Serena could。 

Blair pushed open the glass doors of the rehab clinic and stood at the top of the marble steps; 
gasping in the cold。 Quickly; she punched Serena?s number into her cell phone。 

?Blair?? Serena shouted; her phone cutting in and out。 ?I thought you were mad at me。? She 
coughed loudly。 ?God; am I sick。? 

?Where are you?? Blair demanded in response。 ?Are you in a cab?? 

?Right;? Serena answered。 ?I?m going to a movie premiere with some people I met at the 
perfume shoot。 Want to e?? 

?I can?t;? Blair answered。 ?Serena; I need you to e get me。 Tell the cab to take I…95 up to 
Greenwich。 Exit 3。 There?s this place called Breakaway on Lake Avenue。 Get him to stop and ask 
someone if he can?t find it。 Okay?? 

?Greenwich? But that?s going to cost like a hundred bucks!? Serena argued。 ?What?s going on; 
Blair? Why are you in Greenwich? This doesn?t have anything to do with that old guy I saw you 
with the other night; does it?? 

?I?ll pay you back;? Blair interrupted impatiently。 ?I?ll tell you all about it when you get here。 
Will you do it; S?? she asked; using the endearment she hadn?t used since they were little。 

Serena hesitated; but Blair could tell she was intrigued by the idea of an adventure with her old 
friend。 The phone crackled as she heard Serena give the driver directions。 

?I have to hang up because my phone is running out of juice;? Serena yelled。 ?I?ll be there soon; 
Blair; okay? Oh; and by the way; Aaron and I broke up。? 

Blair sucked cold air in through her nostrils; her freshly glossed lips turning up in a smug smile 
as she absorbed the information。 ?We?ll talk about it when you get here。? Clicking off; she sat 
down on the cold; hard steps and buttoned up her sky blue cashmere toggle coat; pulling the hood 
up over her head before firing up a Merit Ultra Light。 If anyone had passed by on the road; they?d 
have seen a mysterious girl in a blue hooded coat; looking defiantly sure of herself; even though 
the plot had changed and the script had to be entirely rewritten。 

what we talk about when we?re not talking about love 

?Everyone get their coats;? Serena told the ninth graders in peer group on Monday。 ?We?

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