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gossip girl 4 英文-第27章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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magical Valentine?s Day can be? 

hugs; not drugs 

?So how e you didn?t call 911?? Jeremy Scott Tompkinson asked Nate as he crumbled pot 
into the EZ Wider rolling paper spread out on his right knee。 

?Give the dude a break;? noted Charlie Dern。 ?He was stoned; remember?? 

?I would?ve been like; ?See ya later; you crazy fucking chick! I don?t care if you?re putting out!?? 
quipped Anthony Avuldsen。 

Jeremy had managed to steal some pot from his older brother who was home visiting from 
college; and now the four boys were huddled on a remote stoop on East End Avenue; taking a 
break before gym class。 

Nate blew on his bare hands and stuffed them into his cashmere…lined coat pockets。 ?I don?t 
know。? He still felt pretty confused about it himself。 ?I guess I just wanted to call someone who 
knew us both。 Someone I could trust。? 

Jeremy shook his head。 ?Dude; that?s exactly what those rehab headshrinkerswant you to do。 
They?ve got you programmed already。? 

Nate thought about the way Georgie imitated Jackie?s corny psychobabble?all that stuff about 
healing wounds and negative friendships。 It didn?t seem like Georgie had been programmed。 All 
of a sudden he wondered if she was angry that he?d called Jackie; but it wasn?t like he could call 
her and ask her。 She was now staying at Breakaway full time and wasn?t allowed to take any 
phone calls; just in case one of her dealers called or something。 Hopefully Nate would still see her 
in group。 

?How long do you have to deal with that rehab bullshit anyway?? Charlie asked。 He reached for 
the burning joint and took a hit。 

?Six months;? Nate answered。 ?But at least I don?t have to live there。? The other boys intoned 
bored and sympathetic sighs of disgust。 Nate didn?t say anything。 Although he?d never have 
admitted it; he kind of liked going to rehab and meeting the different kids in group; especially 
Georgie。 He?d be sort of sad when it was over。 

??Ere;? Charlie said; passing Nate the joint。 

Nate looked at it and shook his head。 ?No thanks;? he murmured under his breath。 There was a 
crushed red paper heart lying on the sidewalk in front of the stoop where the four boys were 
sitting。 ?Is it Valentine?s Day?? he asked distractedly。 

 ?Yeah;? Anthony responded。 ?Why?? 

?Huh;? Nate replied。 He stood up and brushed the snow off the back of his black Hugo Boss coat。 
For what seemed like forever he?d always sent a special girl roses on Valentine?s Day。 ?I gotta go 
do something。 Catch you guys in gym; okay?? 

His friends watched him trudge purposefully through the slush toward Madison Avenue until he 
was out of sight。 Something was happening to their old friend Nate Archibald; and it wasn?t just 
that he?d turned down a joint for the first time since he was ten years old 

Could it be; was it possible; that he?d fallen in love? 

v…day turned d…day forb 

Blair kept her hand clapped over her mouth and her mind clear of any thoughts of Owen the 
whole way home to keep from being sick all over the back seat of the taxi。 But when she stepped 
off the wood…paneled elevator and into the penthouse; her nostrils were bombarded with the putrid 
scent of roses; causing her stomach to churn ominously once more。 The entire front hall was 
packed with them。 Yellow roses; white roses; pink ones and red。 She dropped her bag on the floor 
and read the notes on the bouquets。 

A?You?re my honey…pie。 Love; S;said the note on the yellow roses。 

Audrey; my favorite little aristocrat; will you please be my Valentine? Love; Cary;said the note 
on the red roses。 

My darling Mrs。 Rose; May our tiny daughter be as lovely and as wonderful as you are and as 
hopelessly happy as I am every day I spend with you。 ?Your loving husband; Mr。 Rose;said the 
note on the pink…and…white bouquet。 

As if one of those notes wouldn?t have been enough to make Blair puke out her already 
puked…out guts; she had to be bombarded withthree uniquely repulsive missives。 Throwing her 
coat down on the floor; she staggered into the nearest bathroom to empty her stomach 
again。 ?Mom!? she shouted; wiping her mouth on a parchment…coloredR …monogrammed guest 

?Blair?? her mother called back。 Eleanor Waldorf wandered slowly down the hall wearing a pink 
boiled wool Chanel suit that had been let out at the waist to acmodate her five…months 
pregnant belly。 Her highlighted blond bob was pulled back into a neat ponytail and she was 
wearing white rabbit fur slippers and carrying her portable phone。 Like most Upper East Side 
hostesses; Eleanor spent all the time she wasn?t having lunch or getting her hair done on the 
phone。 ?What are you doing home?? she asked her daughter。 ?Are you sick?? 

Blair clutched her stomach and tried not to look at her mother。 ?I saw the note from Cyrus;? she 
croaked。 ?You?re having a girl?? 

Her mother beamed back at her; her blue eyes sparkling ecstatically。 ?Isn?t it wonderful?? she 
cried。 ?I found out this morning。? She flip…flopped up to Blair in her fur slippers and threw her 
arms around her daughter?s neck。 ?Cyrus has always wanted a girl。 And now when you e 
home from college you?ll have a little baby sister to play with!? 

Blair grimaced as her stomach did another back flip at the mention of college。 

?I hope you don?t mind;? Eleanor babbled on。 ?But we?re planning to turn your room into a 
nursery since we?re running out of bedrooms。 You and Aaron will be going away to school soon 
anyway。 You don?t mind; do you; sweetheart?? 

Blair stared at her mother blankly。 She hadn?t wanted a stepbrother or a stepfather and she 
certainly didn?t want a baby sister; especially not one who was going to take over herroom 。 ?I?m 
going to go lie down;? she replied weakly。 

?I?ll have Myrtle send in some bouillon;? her mother called after her。 

Blair slammed her bedroom door and dove onto her bed; burying her head in the depths of her 
extrasoft goose…down pillows。 Kitty Minky; her gray Russian Blue cat; jumped onto her back and 
kneaded his paws into her black…and…white Fair Isle sweater。 ?Help me;? Blair moaned miserably 
to her cat。 If only she could lie there until late August and then be helicoptered to her new dorm 
room at Yale; skipping all the bad parts in the script of the movie that was her life; the parts that 
needed to be rewritten。 

Out of habit; she reached out and punched the playback button on the answering machine on her 
bedside table; keeping her eyes closed as she listened。 

?Hello; Blair; it?s Owen。 Owen Wells。 Sorry I couldn?t call earlier。 What happened? I woke up 
and you were gone。 Anyway; Happy Valentine?s Day; gorgeous。 Call me back when you have a 
moment。 Bye…bye。? 

?Hello; Blair; it?s Owen again。 Did you get my flowers? I hope you like them。 Call me back 
when you have a moment。 Thanks。 ?Bye。? 

?Hello; Blair。 I know it?s short notice; but would you like to have dinner with me? Um; this is 
Owen by the way。 Plans on the home front have changed and I?m all freed up。 So how ?bout Le 
Cirque this evening; gorgeous? Give me a call。? 

?Hello; Blair。 I got a table at Le Cirque?? Blair kicked her answering machine off the bedside 
table and it came unplugged。 She didn?t care that Owen had the sexiest voice and was the best 
kisser in all of New York。 She couldn?t play Audrey to his Cary anymore; not when Cary had 
turned out to be a lying; cheating; son…of…a…bitch; scumbagdad 。 She didn?t even care if Owen told 
Yale she was a stupid flake who wouldn?t last more than two weeks there。 Fuck Owen; and fuck 

She grabbed her phone and dialed Owen?s cell phone number。 It was the only number he?d given 
her; probably because it was the only phone he could be sure of answering himself。 

?Blair?? Owen answered eagerly on the first ring。 ?Where have you been? I?ve been trying to get 
ahold of you all day!? 

?In high school?? Blair shot back。 ?I know it was a long time ago for you; but it?s this place 
where you go during the week where they teach you stuff。 I?m only home now because I?m not 
feeling well。? 

?Oh。 I guess you?re not up for dinner then?? 

Owen?s voice didn?t sound nearly as sexy now that she knew what a plete asshole he was。 
Blair walked over to the full…length mirror on the back of her closet door and examined her hair。 It 
already looked a little longer。 Maybe it wouldn?t take that long to grow back。 Or maybe she?d cut 
it even shorter。 She pulled her hair back severely from her forehead to see what it would look like 

?I know your daughter;? she hissed into the phone as she walked over to her dresser and dug 
around in the top drawer until she found the little pair of silver antique sewing scissors she?d 
inherited from her grandmother and never had much use for。 

 ?B…Blair?;? Owen stammered。 

?Fuck off。? Blair clicked off the phone and threw it onto her bed。 Then; grabbing a handful of 
hair; she began to hack away with the tiny silver sewing scissors。 

Good…bye; Audrey Hepburn; hello Mia Farrow inRosemary?s Baby ! 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names

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