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gossip girl 4 英文-第25章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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random?especially when he was stoned?but neverthis random。 Gianni tapped his tortoise…shell 

b against the back of her chair impatiently。 ?Well; good for you;? she responded finally。 ?Look; 
I have to go; okay?? 

Blair sounded distracted; and Nate wasn?t even sure why he?d called her in the first place。 ?See 
you;? he mumbled; tucking his phone back into his coat pocket。 

?Bye。? Blair tossed her silvery pink Nokia phone into her red bowling bag and sat up straight in 
the leather swivel chair。 ?I?m ready;? she told Gianni; trying to sound confident。 ?Just remember; I 
want it short butfeminine 。? 

Amused creases appeared in Gianni?s tanned; intentionally stubbly cheeks。 He winked a 
long…lashed; dark brown eye。 ?Jes lika Katerina Hepburn。 Right?? 


Blair tightened the belt on her beige salon robe and glared at Gianni?s overly pomaded black hair 
in the mirror; praying he wasn?t as stupid and inpetent as he sounded。 Maybe it was a just a 
language thing。 ?No;not Katherine Hepburn。 

AudreyHepburn。 You know; likeBreakfast at Tiffany?s ?My Fair Lady ?Funny Face ?? Blair 
searched her brain for a more current celebrity reference; someone with a decent short haircut。 ?Or 
maybe like Selma Blair;? she added desperately; even though Selma?s haircut was more 
tomboyish than what she had in mind。 

Gianni didn?t respond。 Instead; he ran his fingers through Blair?s damp brown tresses。 ?Sucha 
bee…ootiful ?air;? he said wistfully as he picked up his scissors and gathered her hair in his fist。 
Then; without further ado; he lopped the entire pony…tail off with one brutal snip。 

Blair closed her eyes as the rope of hair fell to the floor。Please make me look pretty; she prayed 
silently;and sophisticated and poised and elegant 。 She opened her eyes and stared in horror at her 
reflection。 Her wet; blunt; ear…length mop was sticking out in all directions。 

?Don?t worry;? Gianni reassured her as he exchanged his big scissors for a small pair of 
shears。 ?Now we shape。? 

Blair took a deep breath; steeling herself。 It was too late to back out of it anyway。 Most of her 
hair was on the floor。 ?Okay;? she gasped。 Then her cell phone rang again and she lunged at 
it。 ?Wait;? she told Gianni。 ?Hello?? 

?Yes; is this Blair Waldorf? Harold?s daughter?? 

Blair studied herself in the mirror。 She wasn?t exactly surewho she was anymore。 She looked 
more like a new inmate getting her preprison crop than the daughter of notorious corporate lawyer 
Harold Waldorf; who?d divorced Blair?s mother two years ago and now lived in a chateau in 

France; where he ran a vineyard with his ?life partner;? who just happened to be a man。 

Considering the turbulent state of her present existence; Blair really wouldn?t have minded being 
someone pletely different; which was part of the reason she?d decided to submit herself to 
Gianni in the first place。 She?d even settle for Katherine instead of Audrey as long as the look was 
totally new。 

?Yes;? Blair answered feebly。 

?Good;? the guy on the phone replied。 His voice was deep and cajoling; making it hard to guess 
how old he was。 Nineteen or thirty…five? ?This is Owen Wells。 Your father mentored me at the 
firm when I was first starting out。 We?re both Yalies; and I understand you?re interested in going 
there yourself。? 

Interested?Blair wasn?t justinterested in going to Yale?it was her sole purpose in life。 Why the 
hell else would she be takingfive APs? 

?Yes; I am;? she squeaked。 She glanced up at Gianni; who was mouthing the words to a cheesy 
Celine Dion song wafting out of the salon?s sound system。 ?I kind of messed up my interview; 

Actually; she?d kind of told the interviewer her whole life?s sob story and then kind ofkissed him; 
which was more than kind of a major ?whoops。? 

?Well; that?s exactly why I?m calling;? Owen Wells replied; his sexy voice resonating like the 
bass notes of a cello。 ?Your father?s support means a lot to the school; and they want to give you a 
second chance。 I?m volunteering my services as your alumnus interviewer; and the admissions 
office has already agreed to use my write…up when they review your application; instead of the 
interview you did back in November。? 

Blair was dumbstruck。 A second chance?it was almost too good to be true。 Tired of waiting; 
Gianni dropped his scissors on the wheeled cart next to Blair?s chair; snatched the latest issue 
ofVogue out of Blair?s lap; and minced away to plain about her to his colleagues。 

?So when are you available?? Owen Wells persisted。 

Now; Blair wanted to say。 But she couldn?t very well ask Owen to sit and watch Gianni cut her 
hair while he asked her all those boring stereotypical interview questions like; Who are the most 
influential people in your life? 

?Anytime;? she chirped。 Then she realized she shouldn?t soundtoo desperate; not when she was 
supposed to be a total whiz kid with an insane schedule。 ?Actually; today is kind of busy for me 
and tomorrow might be a little crazy; too。 Wednesday or Thursday after school would be better。? 

?I tend to work pretty late; and I?ve got meetings up the wazoo this week; but how about 
Thursday night? Around eight…thirty?? 

?Fine;? Blair responded eagerly。 ?Do you want me to e to your office?? 

Owen paused。 Blair could hear his office chair creak and she imagined him surveying his 
Philippe Starck?designed Tribeca office with its view of New York Harbor; wondering if it was an 
appropriate place to meet。 She imagined him tall and blond; with a tennis tan; like her father。 But 
Owen Wells would be at least ten years younger than her dad; and so much better looking。 She 
wondered if he knew how cool it was that there was aw in each of his names。 ?Why don?t we 
meet at the pton Hotel? They?ve got a nice little bar that should be pretty quiet。? He 
laughed。 ?I can buy you a Coke; although your father tells me you prefer Dom Perignon。? 

Blair?s face burned。 Her stupid…ass father?what else had he said? ?Oh; no; Coke is fine;? she 

?Good。 I?ll see you Thursday night。 I?ll be wearing my Yale tie。? 

?I?m looking forward to it。? Blair tried to maintain a businesslike tone despite her vivid 
Owen…at…the…office fantasy。 ?Thank you so much for calling。? She clicked off the phone and 
looked directly into the gilt mirror in front of her。 Her blue eyes already seemed larger and more 
intense now that she had less hair。 

If she were really an actress starring in the movie of her life?which was what she always liked to 
imagine?thiswould be the turning point: the day she transformed her look and began rehearsing for 
the biggest role of her career。 She glanced at her watch。 There was only half an hour left before 
she was due back at Constance for gym。 There was no reason to rush back; though; especially not 
when Bendel?s was only three blocks away and a new dress for meeting Owen Wells on Thursday 
night was calling her name。 It was absolutely worth getting in trouble for cutting gym if her new 
haircut and new dress were going to help get her into Yale。 

Gianni was drinking coffee and flirting with the shampoo boys。 Blair shot him a menacing look; 
daring him to fuck up her hair。 

?Whenever you?re ready; miss;? he called over in a bored tone; as if he couldn?t have cared less 
if he cut her hair or not。 

Blair took a deep breath。 She was erasing the past?her failed relationship with Nate; her mother?s 
revolting new husband and embarrassing pregnancy; her botched Yale interview?and recreating 
herself in a new image。 Yale was giving her a second chance; and from now on she would be the 
master of her own destiny; writing; directing; and starring in the movie that was her life。 She could 
already see the headline in the Styles section of theNew York Times ; featuring her haircut。A 
headof the Times: Gorgeous Brunette Goes Short for Yale Debut! 

Her face broke into the winning smile she was already practicing for her interview with Owen 
Wells on Thursday night。 ?I?m ready。? 

 apathy vs。 poetry 

?Happy Valentine?s Day; loverboy;? Zeke Freedman greeted Dan as fourth…period U。S。 history 
was about to begin。 He handed Dan a pink paper shopping bag。 ?Aggie asked me to give this to 
you。 A messenger just brought it to the front desk。? 

The handles of the bag were tied with red satin ribbon。 Dan tugged on the bow and emptied the 
contents of the bag out onto his desk: a small white box and a slim red leather book。 Inside the 
white box was a stubby silver pen on a silver chain。 A card inside the box described it as an 
antigravity pen; the kind used by astronauts in space。 Dan put the chain around his neck and 
opened the leather book up to the first page where someone had scrawled a note:Kick gravity?s 
ass; you charmer。 Dig? 

Dan reread the note; pletely dumbfounded。 It was too bizarre for Vanessa; which meant it 
was definitely from Mystery。 The final bell rang and Mr。 Dube strode into the room and started 
erasing the blackboard。 Dan tucked the bag of presents under his seat and opened his notebook; 
pretending to listen to what Mr。 Dube was saying about Vietnam and apathy。 School seemed so

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