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gossip girl 4 英文-第2章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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image discussion。 

Serena plunked her elbows down on top of the handout and rested her perfectly chiseled chin in 
her manicured hands; her enormous dark blue eyes gazing dreamily at her idyllic reflection in the 
mirrored wall。 ?I?m so in love;? she sighed。 

Blair clutched her fork and dug into the piece of chocolate cake again; forgetting about her 
no…eating solidarity with Elise。 Serena was so goddamned insensitive。 First of all; the guy she was 
apparently ?so in love? with happened to be Blair?s new pseudohippie; guitar…playing; 
dreadlocked stepbrother; Aaron Rose; which was justso absurd 。 And second of all; even though 
Nate had dumped Blair way back in November; Blair wasstill not over Nate; and the mere mention 
of the worldlove made her want to blow chunks。 ?I think we?re supposed to getthem to talk 
abouttheir problems; not talk aboutourselves ;? she hissed at Serena。 Of course; if Serena had 
actually bothered to show up for peer group training; she would have known that herself。 

Serena had blown the training off so she could go to a movie with Aaron; and; like a gullible 
idiot; Blair had covered for her。 She?d told Ms。 Doherty that Serena had a migraine but that she 
would personally go over all the major points they covered in training when Serena felt better。 It 
was so typical。 Whenever Blair did anything nice for someone else; she usually regretted it。 

Which kind of explained why she was such a bitch most of the time。 

Serena shrugged her halter…top…perfect shoulders。 ?I think love is a much better topic than body 
image anyway。 I mean; we all talked body image to death in ninth…grade health。? She glanced at 
the freshmen seated around the table。 ?Right?? 

?I just think we should follow the handout;? Blair insisted stubbornly。 

?It?s up to you guys;? Serena told the younger girls。 

Mary; Vicky; and Cassie waited; ears pricked; for the scoop on Serena?s love life。 Elise reached 
out and poked a greasy onion ring with a trembling; chewed…on fingernail and then snatched her 
hand away again as if she?d been burned。 Jenny licked her winter…chapped lips。 ?Since we?re 
supposed to talk about body image; I guess I have something to say;? she told the group; her voice 
wavering。 She looked up to find Blair nodding and smiling at her encouragingly。 

 ?Yes; Ginny?? 

Jenny looked down at the table again。 Why was she even telling them this?Because I need to tell 
someone; she realized。 She forced herself to keep talking despite the furious red…hot blush of 
embarrassment burning her face。 ?This weekend I almost had a consultation for a breast 

Mary; Vicky; and Cassie scooted forward in their chairs to listen。 Not only was peer group going 
to bethe place to pick up the latest fashion trends from the two coolest girls in school; it was going 
to be a major resource for gossip! 

?I made the appointment;? Jenny continued; ?but then I didn?t go。? She pushed her plate away 
and took a sip of water; trying to ignore the curious stares of the other girls。 The group was riveted; 
and stealing the spotlight from Blair and Serena was no easy feat。 

Elise picked up an onion ring; took a tiny bite; and dropped it on the plate again。 ?What made 
you change your mind?? she asked。 

?You don?t have to answer that;? Blair interrupted; remembering something Ms。 Doherty had 
said in their training session about not pushing the members of the group to open up before they 
were ready。 She glanced at her coleader。 Serena was busy examining her split ends with a dreamy; 
faraway look; as if she hadn?t heard a word anyone had said。 Blair turned back to Jenny and tried 
to think of something reassuring to say so Jenny wouldn?t feel like she was the only one in the 
group with breast…size issues。 

?I always wanted bigger breasts。 I?ve seriously considered getting implants。? It wasn?t a total lie。 
She was only a B cup and had always aspired to a C。 

 Who hasn?t? 

?Really?? Serena demanded; drifting back to earth。 ?Since when?? 

Blair took another angry bite of cake。 Was Serena purposely trying to sabotage her leadership 
skills? ?You don?t know everything about me;? she snapped。 

Cassie; Vicky; and Mary kicked each other under the table。 This was so exciting! Serena van der 
Woodsen and Blair Waldorf were having a fight; and they were witnessing every word of it! 

Elise bed her chewed…on fingernails through her thick blond bob。 ?I think it was really; um; 
amazing of you to tell us about that; Jenny。? She smiled shyly at Jenny。 ?And I think it was brave 
of you not to do it。? 

Blair scowled。 Why hadn?tshe said something about how brave Jenny was instead of making that 
outrageous statement about wanting implants? Who knew what these stupid freshmen were going 

to say about her once the group broke up? Then she remembered something else Ms。 Doherty had 
gone over in their training session。 

?Oops。 I think we were supposed to say something about confidentiality before we started。 You 
know; like; nothing we say here will be repeated outside the group; or whatever?? 

Too late。 In a matter of minutes every girl in the school would be discussing Blair Waldorf?s 
uping breast…implant job。I heard she?s waiting until the day after graduation 。 。 。 etc。; etc。 

Jenny shrugged。 ?It?s okay。 I don?t care who you tell。? It wasn?t like she could hide her 
enormous boobs anyway。 They were justthere 。 

Elise bent down and picked up her beige Kenneth Cole backpack。 ?Um; there are only eight 
minutes left before the bell rings。 Is it all right if I go out and buy a yogurt now?? she asked。 

Serena nudged the plate of onion rings towards Elise。 ?Have some more of these;? she offered 

Elise shook her head; her freckled face flushed pink。 ?No; thanks。 I don?t eat in public。? 

Serena frowned。 ?Really? That?s weird。? She winced as Blair elbowed her in the arm;hard 。 ?Ow! 
God; what was that for?? 

?Maybe if you?d actually gone to peer group leader training; you?d get it;? Blair growled under 
her breath。 

?Can I go now?? Elise asked again。 

It occurred to Blair that the peer group freshmen would really love her if she let them all go early。 
She could use the extra eight minutes to get to the hair salon on time anyway。 ?You canall go;? she 
said; smiling sweetly; ?unless you really want to stay and listen to Serena talk aboutlove for the 
rest of the period。? 

Serena stretched her arms over her head and grinned up at the ceiling。 ?I could talk about love all 

Jenny stood up。 Ever since Nate had ditched her; love was the last thing she wanted to talk about。 
Funny?she?d thought Blair was going to be the peer group leader she couldn?t deal with; but it 
was turning out to be Serena。 

Elise stood up; too; tugging on her oversized pink turtle…neck sweater as if it was too tight。 ?No 
offense; but if I don?t eat a yogurt before lunch is over; I?m going to pass out in geometry。? 

?I?ll e buy one with you;? Jenny told her; using that as an excuse to leave the table。 

?I may as well walk out with you guys;? Blair yawned; standing up; too。 

?Where are you going?? Serena demanded innocently。 Normally on Mondays after lunch the two 
girls spent their luxurious double free period at Jackson Hole; drinking cappuccinos and making 
wild and fabulous plans for the summer after graduation。 

?None of your business;? Blair snapped。 She?d been going to invite Serena to e with her to 
the salon; but now that Serena was being such a self…involved princess bitch; that was totally out 
of the question。 She flipped her hair over her shoulder and slung her bag over her arm。 ?See you 
guys next week;? she added to Mary; Vicky; and Cassie as she followed Jenny and Elise through 
the exit and up the back stairs to Ninety…third Street。 

Back in the crowded cafeteria; Vicky leaned forward across the half…empty table。 ?So;tell us;? 
she urged Serena。 

Mary took a sip of one…percent milk and nodded eagerly。 ?Yes; yes。Tell 。? 

Cassie tightened her light brown ponytail。 ?Tell useverything 。? 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

Aren?t we special? 

So the rumor floating around about the Ivies not accepting anyone early this year turned out to be 
totally false。 Hooray?some of us got in! I know we?re feeling pretty special; but if we start 
partying like it?s 2099; drinking champagne before homeroom and cutting half our classes; we?re 
going to wind up with only each other to party with; because all our other friends are going to hate 
our guts。 Try to keep it to yourselves if you can; at least until April when the rest of the class finds 
out where they?re going。 It?s for your own good; I promise。 

 TheL word 

With Valentine?s Day less than a week away; love is in the aireverywhere 。 It?s on the tips of our 

tongues。 It?s what we?re thinking about before we fall asleep。 We catch ourselves and our 
neighbors doodling corny hearts in math class。 Bu

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