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gossip girl 4 英文-第18章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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how important it is to feel good about my appearance。 I try to think of it this way though: You 
know when you see a gorgeous boy on the street and you say to your friend; ?Look athim !? and 
then your friend makes a face like;ugly ? We all have suchtotally varied tastes that someone is 
going to look at you and think;yum…yum dee…lish; no matter whatyou think you look like。 You just 
have to learn to see what they see。 

 Your e…mail 

Q:? ? Dear G…Girl; 

I heard you got in early to Bryn Mawr and you?re psyched because you like going to school with 
girls and you?re this huge volleyball…playing lesbo。 Tee hee。 


A:? ? Hello dorf; 

What kind of a name is dorf; anyway? I refuse to stoop to your level of humor or tell you where I 
applied to college; but my mother and sister both happened to go to Bryn Mawr; and guess what? 
They?re bothhot 。 


Gotta dash home and check the mail for an important…looking business…sized envelope that may 
or may not determine my entire near future。 Wish me luck! 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

 romancing the stoner 

?We can ask the butler to take his clothes off and play the piano for us;? Georgie told Nate。 ?He 
does whatever I tell him to。? 

When group therapy had been over and it was time for the outpatients to go home; the storm had 
already been so bad; Nate couldn?t get a car to take him to the station; so Georgie had offered to 
give him a ride。 Then when they?d gotten to the station the trains had stopped running; so the 
ever…acmodating Georgie had taken Nate home to her house in her bodyguard…driven black 
Range Rover。 Now they were sitting on the floor of her enormous; luxurious bedroom; getting 
stoned as they watched the snow pile up on the skylight overhead。 

The Upper East Side town house Nate had grown up in was four stories high and had its own 
elevator and a twenty…four…hour cook。 But Georgie?s Greenwich; Connecticut; mansion had 
something his family?s town house didn?t?vast amounts of space inside; and acres of land around 
the house。 It was like a city unto itself; and Georgie had her own private borough where she could 
do absolutely whatever she pleased while her ancient English nanny was in bed watching BBC 
America and the other servants were doing their jobs in the other boroughs。 Georgie?s bathroom 
even had a Roman daybed in it for lounging on while she waited for her twelve…foot…wide marble 
Jacuzzi to fill up。 

?Or we could have crazy loud sex on the stairs;? Georgie added。 ?That would really drive the 
staff nuts。? 

Nate leaned his head back against the footboard of Georgie?s four…poster king…sized bed and put 
the joint they were sharing to his lips。 ?Let?s just watch the snow fall for a while。? 

Georgie rolled over on her back; resting her head on the leg of Nate?s navy blue Culture of 

Humanity ripstop trousers。 ?God; you?re mellow。 I?m not used to hanging out with someone so 

?What are your friends like?? Nate asked; sucking hard on the joint。 Pot seemed to taste and feel 
better now that he?d gone without it for a while。 

?I don?t have any friends anymore;? Georgie answered。 ?They all kind of gave up on me because 
I?m so nuts。? 

Nate put his hand on her head and began stroking her hair。 She had incredibly soft; luxurious 
hair。 ?I hang out a lot with these three guys in my class at school;? he said; referring to Jeremy; 
Anthony; and Charlie。 ?But I went for a few days without getting high and I didn?t really want to 
hang out with them; you know?? 

?That?s what Jackie calls a ?negative friendship。? A ?positive friendship? is when you do fun; 
constructive things with your friends like baking cookies; making collages; and climbing 

?I?m your friend;? Nate offered quietly。 

Georgie rubbed the back of her head against his leg。 ?I know。? She laughed; her not…too…small 
chest jiggling up and down inside her tight white T…shirt。 ?Want to bake some cookies?? 

Nate bed a lock of her hair up into the air with his fingers and then let it fall; strand by strand; 
back into his lap。 Blair had long hair; too; but it wasn?t as straight or as silky as Georgie?s。 It was 
funny how girls could all be so different。 ?Can I kiss you?? he asked; not really having intended to 
sound so formal。 

?Okay;? Georgie whispered。 

Nate bent over and brushed his lips against the bridge of her nose; her chin; and finally her lips。 
She kissed him back hungrily and then pulled away and sat up on her elbows。 ?This is what Jackie 
calls ?feeding your craving。? You?re doing something that feels good temporarily instead 
of ?healing the wounds。? 

Nate shrugged。 ?Why is it temporary?? He pointed up at the skylight; which was pletely 
smothered in snow。 ?I?m not going anywhere。? 

Georgie scooched her feet up under her and stood up。 She disappeared into the bathroom and 
Nate could hear a cabinet door open and the sounds of pill bottles rattling and water running。 Then 
she came out; brushing her teeth; her light brown eyes all lit up like she?d just had an epiphany; or 
at the very least a good idea。 ?There?s an old carriage up in the attic。 We can go up and sit in it;? 
she announced with her mouth full of toothpaste。 She went back into the bathroom to spit and then 
came out again; holding a pale hand out to Nate。 ?Are you ing?? 

Nate stood up and took her hand。 His body was humming from the pot and the intense 
smoothness of Georgie?s skin。 All he really wanted to do was to kiss her some more。 ?Can I ?feed 
my craving? when we get up there?? he asked; feeling very stoned indeed。 

Georgie cocked a thin dark eyebrow at him and licked her dark red lips。 ?I might even let 
you ?heal my wounds。?? 

Nate grinned his lopsided stoner grin。 Who?d known rehab psychobabble could be such a 

 our bodies; ourselves 

?My hand is getting tired;? Jenny plained to Elise after she?d painted Elise?s head and 
neck。 ?I?ll do the rest tomorrow。? 

?Let?s see;? Elise said; sitting up。 Her chest was so small Jenny couldn?t help but stare at it。 Her 
breasts were like the little new potatoes her dad had grown when they?d rented a house in 
Pennsylvania one summer。 Small; hard; and beigey pink。 ?It looks good;? Elise said; squinting at 
the canvas。 ?But how e you made my face green?? 

Jenny hated when people asked her questions about her art。 She didn?t know why she did what 
she did; she just did it。 And her dad always said; ?The artist doesn?t have to answer to anyone but 
himself。? Orher self; in her case。 ?Because I was in a green mood;? she answered; annoyed。 

?Well; green is my favorite color;? Elise responded happily。 She pulled on her turtleneck and 
underwear but left her jeans and bra on the floor。 ?Oh my God。 I have that book; too!? she 
squealed; pointing at a thick; heavy paperback on the bookshelf behind the TV。 She walked over to 
the shelf and pulled the book out。 ?But yours is so new。 Don?t you ever read it?? 

Jenny bit off the top of an Oreo and read the title on the spine of book。The New This Is My Body 
for Women。 ?My dad bought me that last year。 I think he probably thought that if I read it; he 
wouldn?t have to explain anything to me about sex?I could just look up the embarrassing stuff。? 

?But have you ever actually looked at it? Some of it is reallygraphic 。? 

Jenny had no idea。 She?d immediately shelved the book behind the TV along with the other 
random books her father had given her that she never intended to read; likeBreathing Room: A 
Buddhist?s Guide to Living Creatively; Mao?s Secret Seven: The Women Behind Chairman Mao; 
andFinding the Dragon Within:What Is Your Art? 

?Like; graphic in what way?? Jenny asked; intrigued。 

Elise carried the book over to the worn leather sofa and sat down; crossing her long bare legs 
dramatically。 ?I?ll show you。? She opened the book and Jenny sat down next to her and leaned in 
close to see。 

The first thing Elise turned to was a detailed diagram of a woman on her hands and knees bent 
over a man lying on his back。 The book had been written in the nineteen…seventies and the text had 
since been updated; but the diagrams hadn?t。 The man had hair down to his shoulders; a full beard; 
and was wearing beads。 His penis was sticking straight up and it appeared to be in the woman?s 
mouth。 The two girls erupted into giggles。


?I told you;? said Elise; pleased with herself for opening right up to such a gem。 

?I can?t believe I never saw any of this;? Jenny exclaimed。 She grabbed the book away from 
Elise and rifled through the pages。 ?Oh my God!? she gasped when she saw a diagram of the same 
couple in another position。 The woman still had the long…haired guy?s penis in her mouth; except 
this time she was lying alongside him with her feet up around his head and her legs splayed so that 
he could do the same thing toher 。 Jenny didn?t even know the name forthat 。 ?I thought this was 
just a boring book about getting your period and all that stuff。 But this is; like; a realsex book 
forwomen 。? 

?I think there?s a teen one; too; that?s totally boring; but my mom got me this one by mistake。 I 

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