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gossip girl 4 英文-第17章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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out on a night like this。 I was just so 。 。 。bored 。? 

The cocktail waitress came over and Owen ordered a Bombay Sapphire martini straight up。 He 
pulled a pack of Marlboro Lights from his pocket; put two cigarettes in his mouth; lit them both 
and passed one to Blair。 His black eyebrows furrowed with brooding concern as he gazed at her 
with his piercingly bright blue eyes。 ?You?re not in any trouble; are you?? 

Trouble?Blair took a drag off her cigarette and considered her answer。 If you could call having a 
crush on your older; married Yale alum interviewer trouble; then yes; she was interrible 
trouble。 ?Maybe;? she replied coyly。 ?Are you?? 

The waitress brought Owen his martini。 He ate the green olive floating inside it and then wiped 
his mouth with a cocktail napkin。 A trace of dark five o?clock shadow cloaked his sharply defined 
chin。 ?I was in a breakfast meeting this morning; eating Cheerios with five other lawyers; and I 
was thinking about you;? he admitted。 

Blair ran her fingernail over her fishnet…stockinged knee。 ?Really?? she asked; immediately 
wishing her voice didn?t sound quite so eager and hopeful。 

Owen raised his glass to his lips; his blue eyes smoldering。 ?Yeah。 I?ve been so crazy busy this 
week; but I promise I?ll get that report over to the guys at Yale ASAP。? 

?Oh;? Blair responded disappointedly。 She twirled her little brown cocktail straw around in her 
drink。 For once she hadn?t even been thinking about Yale。 Being with Owen made her feel like she 
wasbeyond Yale。 She was his ?gorgeous;? the star of his show。 Or maybe she was only deluding 

Glancing through the paned glass window behind them; Blair could barely see the cars parked 
out on the street。 They were just masses of white; like big; dumb sleeping elephants。 

She could feel Owen watching her as she puffed on her cigarette and blew a stream of gray 
smoke into the air above their heads。 He?d asked to see her again; hadn?t he? And he wouldn?t 
have done that if he wasn?t attracted to her。 He was just nervous; that was all。 Inside Blair?s head; 
the cameras were starting to roll。 She was the femme fatale seducing the handsome; good; older 
lawyer。 Yale was the last thing she wanted to talk about right now。 

She took one last puff on her cigarette and then stubbed it out in the chrome ashtray in the center 
of the table。 ?I almost went to jail once;? she announced; trying to sound intriguing。 

This wasn?t exactly true。 A few months ago she?d stolen a pair of cashmere pajamas from 
Barneys? men?s department to give to Nate as a surprise gift when they were having problems。 
But when they?d broken up for real; Serena had convinced Blair to put the pajamas back。 She?d 
never even gotten caught。 

Owen chuckled and picked up his drink。 He was wearing gold cuff links with a blueY stamped 
on them to match his blue…and…gold Yale tie。 ?See; you?re just the kind of girl Yale needs;? he 

?And I?m a virgin;? Blair blurted out; fluttering her eyelashes at the randomness of her remark。 It 
was strange。 Even though Owen was extremely dashing and she really wanted to see what it felt 
like to kiss him; she was a little afraid of what she was doing。 

?I?m sure Yale needs more of those; too;? Owen laughed。 He crossed and then uncrossed his legs 
and Blair could see she was making him nervous; which wasn?t what she?d intended。 

She reached under the table and slipped her small; trembling fingers over his warm; tanned 
hand。 ?I don?t mind if you kiss me;? she murmured in a low; breathy voice that sounded exactly 
like Marilyn Monroe inSome Like It Hot 。 

Owen put down his drink。 ?e here;? he said gruffly; wrapping his free arm around her and 
pulling her toward him。 

His chin was rough and scratched Blair?s face as they kissed; but she?d never been kissed so 
expertly and powerfully in all her life。 Plus he smelled faintly of Herm?s Eau d?Orange Verte; 
which was her all…time favorite men?s cologne。 

Blair had thought she?d be plagued by guilt the moment their lips met。He?s a friend of Dad?s; 
she reminded herself。He?s old。 But Owen was such a good kisser; now that he?d started; she 
wasn?t about to make him stop。 

scan?t find her boyfriend; but so what? 

?I told her she has a better backside than any girl in the business;? one of Les Best?s stylists told 
a photographer forW magazine。 ?That slim…hipped; tomboy butt。 Like she could just slip on her 
boyfriend?s dirty old jeans and make them look fresh and sexy。? 

Serena shook her lovely blond head in good…natured protest and puffed on an American 
Spirit。 ?My boyfriend never wears jeans。 He thinks they?re overrated。 He wears those green 
canvas army pants。 You know; the real ones from the army surplus store?? She glanced around the 
crowded; smoky after…party which was in full force at Cr?me; a new go…go club on Forty…third 
Street; but she didn?t see Aaron anywhere。 He?d never e backstage at the show; so she?d 
figured she?d just meet him here。 

?And is your boyfriend named Aaron; by any chance?? the stylist asked。 He giggled and pointed 
at her T…shirt。 ?You should get Les to make a whole line of those。 Everyone would totally go for 
it?it would be so wild!? 

?Would you mind stepping back for a moment so I could get her picture?? the photographer 
asked the stylist。 

?And could you autograph this Polaroid for my collection; 

Serena?? a tiny leather…pants…wearing older man with a white

 buzz cut asked。 

?Me too!? another voice chimed in。 

Serena hitched up the baby blue hip…hugging Les Best jeans she?d acquired pliments of the 
house and pointed to the I LOVEAARONlogo emblazoned on the front of her shirt as she grinned 

cheesily for the camera。 

?I bet if you held an auction for that shirt right now; you could sell it for a thousand dollars;? the 
photographer quipped as he snapped away。 ?But of course you?d never part with it。? 

Serena took another puff on her cigarette as the group around her waited for her to respond。 The 
T…shirt was cute; but it was really just a spur of the moment thing she?d done because she?d 
thought Aaron would think it was funny and to make it up to him for appearing in a fashion show 
on a Friday night;their night。 She was a spur…of…the…moment kind of gal; which was exactly why 
this auction idea sounded so appealing。 She could give the money to a good cause like Little 
Hearts; that children?s charity the Valentine?s Day ball money was supposed to go to。 

?Let?s do it;? she giggled giddily。 

The group of admirers whooped with delight and followed her over to the bar like adoring little 
mice following the Pied Piper。 

?Who wants to buy a T…shirt?? Serena crowed; jumping up on top of the bar; and parading up and 
down like she was on the runway again。 

Of course only someone as gorgeous as she was could actually get away with this。 

The DJ joined in the fun; putting on Madonna?s old classic; ?Vogue;? and turning the volume all 
the way up。 Serena shook her booty and stuck out her chest?it was all in good fun?as every pair of 
eyes in the club tuned in to watch。 

?Five hundred dollars!? someone shouted。 

?Anyone else?? Serena taunted the dazzled crowd。 ?It?s for a good cause。?

 ?Seven hundred!? 


Serena stopped dancing; rolled her eyes and whipped her cigarettes out of her pocket; as if to 
say; ?Your stinginess bores me。? The crowd laughed and fifteen or so lighters were offered her 
way。 She bent down to grab a light from a lucky dude wearing a fur vest; and then pranced away 
again; shaking her hips to the music and puffing away as she waited for the bidding to go up。 

?A thousand dollars!? the dude wearing the fur vest shouted。 He?d gotten close enough to Serena 
to know that it was worth it。 

Serena threw her arms in the air and whooped loudly; daring someone to take the bidding to new 
heights。 As much as she hated to admit it; she didn?t even mind that Aaron hadn?t turned up。 She 

might have loved him; but she was having a kick…ass time without him。 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

 Early rejection 

So I heard the Ivies have e up with a conspiracy to maintain their intrigue and exclusivity: 
This year they?re not acceptinganyone early。 Maybe it?s only a false rumor。 But if you don?t get 
in early; try to think of it this way: Maybe you weretoo perfect。 They just couldn?t handle it。 And 
just think how much fun we?ll have if we all wind up at the same munity college! 

To surgically enhance or not; that is the question 

The idea of surgically altering one?s body in any way has always freaked me out; not because I 
don?t think Dolly Parton looks great。 She doesn?t look a day over forty and she must be two 
hundred by now。 But I?d be worried the doctors would make a mistake and deflate one breast 
entirely or leave out a nostril or something。 Of course I?m as girly a girl as girls e; and I know 
how important it is to 

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