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gossip girl 4 英文-第16章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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burning with embarrassment and her shoulders shaking in an uncharacteristically nervous fit of the 
giggles as she bowed her head to acknowledge their applause。 

She could already hear Ken Mogul whispering in her ear; ?Get used to it baby; you?ve rocked 
their world!? And even though itwas kind of cool to have so many people acting like they 
worshipped her; she couldn?t wait to trade stories with Dan about what a farce the whole thing 

Unless of course he?d already eloped to the south of France with a hot nineteen…year…old 
Brazilian supermodel。 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

Let it snow! 

There are fourteen inches on the ground so far and here I am; snowed in at the hottest; most 
exclusive Fashion Week after…party ever; with my all…time favorite fashion designer; hundreds of 
gorgeous models and hunk…o…licious actors; the most discerning fashion magazine editors in the 
business; and five of fashion?s most avant…garde photographers。 I honestly don?t care if the whole 
city shuts down because of the snow。 I never want to leave! 


Bwaiting for her date in the corner of that romantic little bar in the new boutique hotel on Perry 
Street。S signing autographs at theLes Best after…party atCr?me on Forty…third。C at the same party; 
surrounded by younger male models; also signing autographs?who is he pretending to be?N 
escorting our favorite Connecticut heiress home to her Greenwich mansion in her limo。J and her 
new best friend dashing through the snow to collect booty from Blockbuster and Hunan Wok on 
Broadway near J?s house?sounds like a party。D being swarmed by models at theBetter Than 
Naked after…party at theHarrison Street Club 。 Were they just bumming cigarettes or did they all 
actually read his poem?V at theJedediah Angel after…party atHighway 1 ; pretending to flirt with 
everyone in that delightfully banal way of hers。 

I just hope everyone is as ecstatic as I am about being stuck where they are until the weather 
clears。 Remember; nothing warms you up faster than another person?s body heat。 

Oops; someone?s taking my photograph for the Style section this weekend; and my lips are in 

serious need of some shine。 Gotta fly! 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

just like that scene intitanic 

?So how e Dan didn?t invite you?? Elise asked as she rolled a steamed dumpling around in a 
puddle of soy sauce。 

To weather the snowstorm; Elise and Jenny had gathered a feast of Chinese food and Oreos and 
videos they?d never heard of; since everything else at Blockbuster had been rented out。 Now they 
were watching the New York Fashion Week coverage on the Metro Channel in the living room of 
Jenny?s sprawling; ramshackle Upper West Side apartment。 Bizarrely enough; the camera had just 
panned over the audience at the Better Than Naked show; zooming in on Dan for a moment as he 
scribbled away furiously in his stupid black notebook。 

?Because I?m his little sister;? Jenny answered; stunned that she?d actually just seen her 
brother?s sallow; sideburned face live on TV。 She?d known Dan was going to the show; but she 
hadn?t even bothered to ask if she could acpany him。 He was so obsessed with being Mr。 
I?m…The…Next…Keats that he barely even noticed her existence anymore。 

The camera shifted to the Les Best tent in Bryant Park; where Serena van der Woodsen strutted 
down the runway wearing a cropped white baby tee with I LOVEAARONprinted on it; her gray 
Constance Billard School uniform skirt; a red wool cape; and Les Best ankle boots。 It looked like 
she was supposed to be a sexy version of Little Red Riding Hood or something。 

Not that anyone wouldever pay money for a school uniform。 

?Hey; isn?t that our peer group leader? Serena van der Woodsen?? Elise pointed out。 

Jenny stuffed an entire Oreo into her mouth and nodded; her cheeks bulging。 It was Serena all 
right。 Looking as perfect as ever。 

?Quick; change the channel! There?s no way I can eat anything while I?m looking at those legs;? 
Elise squealed; tossing a beaded velvet throw pillow at the television。 

Jenny giggled and turned off the TV altogether。 She picked up her I LOVENY mug of Coke; 
glancing warily at the feast spread out on the old steamer trunk that served as a coffee table。 The 
apartment was so filthy; she worried that at any moment a disgusting lobster…sized cockroach 

would drop out of the crumbling plaster in the ceiling; right into her cold sesame noodles。 She 
noticed Elise hadn?t actually ingested any food yet。 ?You don?t have a problem eating in front of 
me; do you?? Jenny picked up a pair of chopsticks and twirled them around in the cardboard 
container of noodles。 ?I promise I won?t even look at you。? 

Elise picked up her dumpling with her fingers and bit it in half。 ?That?s just in the lunchroom at 
school;? she said with her mouth full。 ?I can?t eat with all those skinny girls looking at my fat。? 

?You?re not fat;? Jenny responded; even though being around Elise actually gave her an appetite 
because she felt so tiny in parison。 Still; it was kind of a relief to see that Elise didn?t have a 
real eating disorder; she was just insecure。 

That was the thing about making a new friend?you were never quite sure if you totallyknew them 
or not。 

?Did you paint that?? Elise asked; pointing to the oil portrait Jenny had painted of her father; 
which was hanging over the mantel。 Rufus was wearing a white V…neck undershirt with cigarette 
burns in it; and he hadn?t shaved in days。 His wiry gray hair stuck out in all directions; and his 
hazel eyes were wild with caffeine…induced excitement and from doing too much acid in the 
sixties。 It was a pretty accurate portrait。 

?Yup。? Jenny wound more noodles around her chopsticks。 She hadn?t painted anything since the 
portraits she?d done of Nate in December。 She?d painted his face in every style she?d studied。 
There was Picasso Nate; Monet Nate; Dali Nate; Warhol Nate; and Pollock Nate。 But when Nate 
had broken her heart; she?d burned them all in a metal trash can out on West Ninety…ninth Street。 
It had been a moment of catharsis?their love turned to ashes。 Actually; now that she thought about 
it; she should have saved the ashes and made something with them?a self…portrait or a calming 
seascape?but it was too late now。 

Elise reached for yet another dumpling。 ?Will you paint me?? she asked。 

Jenny glanced out the smudged living room window。 The snow was so thick; it looked like 
someone was exploding giant down pillows in the sky。 ?Sure;? she said; standing up to get her 
paints。 It wasn?t like she had anything better to do。 

?Cool!? Elise tossed the remains of the dumpling back into the container and unbuttoned her 
too…tight Seven jeans。 Then she pulled her pink Gap turtleneck over her head; taking her pull…on 
crop…top bra with it。 When Jenny returned with a clean white canvas and her palette of oils; Elise 
was sprawled out on the couch; her wiry blonde hair dusting her freckled shoulders; pletely 

?What are you doing?? Jenny demanded; mystified。 

Elise stretched her arms over her head and settled her head back against the throw pillows。 ?I?ve 

always wanted to pose nude;? she said。 ?You know; like that scene in the movieTitanic 。? 

Jenny sat down cross…legged on the floor opposite her and wetted her brush。 ?Whatever;? she 
remarked; frowning at her eager; voluptuous subject。 

Maybe her new friend was less insecure than she?d first thought。 And a lot crazier; too。 

some like it hot 

Blair sat at a corner table in the downstairs bar of Red; the new cozily romantic Perry Street 
boutique hotel; drinking Absolut and tonic and trying not to watch the coverage of Fashion Week 
on the Metro Channel。 It seemed like every time she looked up they were showing the same clip 
of Serena prancing around the runway at the Les Best show wearing her school uniform and that 
stupid I LOVEAARONT…shirt。 Even in the bar; she could hear people murmuring; ?Who is she?? 
and ?Who?s Aaron?? It was enough to drive Blair right up the red velvet?covered wall。 

?I wore my Yale tie this time;? Owen announced with a sly grin as he strode through the door 
wearing a tan Burberry trench coat and a black wool fedora hat that made him look even more 
manly and dashing than when she?d first met him。 He slid into the red velvet?covered bench next 
to Blair and kissed her on the cheek。 His face was damp and cold from the storm; and the feel of it 
against her face made her whole body tingle。 ?Hello; gorgeous。? 

Instantly Blair forgot all about Serena。 She was with a sexy older man who called 
her ?gorgeous。?So there。 

?Hi。? She twisted her ruby ring around and around on her ring finger。 ?I?m sorry I dragged you 
out on a night like this。 I was just so 。 。 。bored 。? 

The cocktail waitress came over and Owen ordered a Bombay Sapphire martini straight up。 He 
pulled a pack of Marlboro Lights from h

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