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gossip girl 4 英文-第13章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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only to be told that the show is runninganother hour late。 Expect to see lots of Botoxed; 
fake…tanned; anorexic girls trying not notice that they all wore the same thing to the same show; 
and lots of gay men wearing more perfume than the girls。 Expect to find out that those ugly…ass 
cargo pants with tapered legs are back in styleagain 。 Expect to be envious of the pouty…lipped; 
giraffe…legged models who actually look good in them。 Expect to be annoyed by heavily made…up; 
fur…wearing women who bring their little Louis Vuitton collar?wearing French bulldogs to the 
show in matching Louis Vuitton handbags。 Expect to be dying for the after…party to start so you 
can smoke。 Expect the after…parties to be truly mind…blowing。 Expect not to remember what 
happened the morning after。

 Your e…mail 

Q:? ? Dear GG; 

I was walking by the bar in the pton Hotel last night and I saw B with this man who I 
recognize from my building。 He has a daughter who?s like in ninth or tenth grade at my school。 
What?s that all about?


 A:? ? Hey Tom; 

Who knows what she was up to; but can?t you totally see B as some poor girl?s evil stepmom? 

Q:? ? Dear G…Dawg; 
Can I just say that you kick ass! Also; I heard N is going to that fancy rehab up in Greenwich。 

My cousin went there and came back more messed up than before。 


A:? ? Dear F。B。; 

Thanks for the pliment; although I don?t know if I dig the whole ?G…Dawg? thing。 And 

whatever happens to N in rehab; they can?t take away his soul or his divine beauty! 



Nand his parents having a tour of that stylin? new rehab clinic inGreenwich 。C having his nails 
done atCoin ; an all…male spa in Chelsea。 No kidding。S picking up a custom…made baby tee at one 
of those customized T…shirt places inChinatown 。B standing in front ofTiffany ; drinking out of a 
paper cup and eating a Danish; just like 

Audrey HepburninBreakfast at Tiffany?s; exceptB was wearing her gray school uniform instead 
of a blackChristian Dior evening gown。K andI putting up NOLOITERINGsigns around theLes 
Best tent。 It looks like they actuallyvolunteered their services so they could get good seats。 

It?s supposed to snow like crazy this weekend but has that ever stopped us? See you in the front 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

kindred spirits connect in rehab 

?Has everyone heard about the snowstorm? We?re supposed to get four feet by midnight!? Jackie 
Davis; Nate?s teen group facilitator at the Breakaway Rehabilitation Center; rubbed her hands 
together as if the idea of being snowed in with all these rich derelicts was her idea of a rocking 
good time。 

After Nate had gotten busted in the park; his father and Saul Burns; the family lawyer; had e 
to fetch him at the precinct。 Nate?s father; a stern; silver…haired navy captain who handled 
emergencies with crisp; efficient formality; had paid the fine of three thousand dollars and 
cosigned an agreement that Nate would immediately attend a drug rehabilitation program for a 
minimum of ten hours per week。 That meant Nate was going to have to ride the train out to 
Greenwich; Connecticut; five days a week for counseling and group therapy。 

?Just think of it as a job; son;? Saul Burns had tried to reassure him。 ?An after…school job。? 
Captain Archibald hadn?t said anything。 It was pretty clear that Nate had disappointed him beyond 
words。 Luckily Nate?s mother had been in Monte Carlo visiting her thrice…divorced sister。 When 
Nate had relayed the sordid tale over the phone she?d shrieked and wept; smoked five cigarettes in 
rapid succession; and then broken her champagne glass。 She was always a little dramatic。 After all; 
she was French。 

?All right。 Let?s start out by going around the circle;? Jackie instructed in a sunny voice; as if 
this were the first day of nursery school。 ?Tell us your name and explain why you?re here。 Keep it 
short; please。? She nodded at Nate to start; since he was sitting directly to her right。 

Nate shifted unfortably in his Eames chair。 All the furniture at the posh Greenwich; 
Connecticut; rehab clinic was twentieth…century modern; to match the minimalist beige and white 
d?cor。 The floor was cream…colored Italian marble; crisp white linen curtains covered the 
floor…to…ceiling windows; and the staff wore beige linen uniforms designed especially by nineties 
denim impresario Gunner Gass; a former patient who was now on the facility?s board。 

?Okay。 My name?s Nathaniel Archibald; but everyone calls me Nate;? Nate mumbled。 He kicked 
at the legs of his chair and cleared his throat。 ?I got busted a few days ago buying weed in Central 
Park。 That?s why I?m here。? 

?Thank you; Nate;? Jackie interrupted。 She smiled a frosty; brown…lipsticked smile and made a 
note on the pad in her clipboard。 ?We prefer it here at Breakaway if you call the substance in 
question by its true name。 In your case; marijuana。 If you can use its name consistently; you are 
making one more step toward your freedom from it。? She smiled at Nate once more。 ?Would you 
like to try again?? 

Nate glanced self…consciously at the other losers in the group。 There were seven of them 
altogether; three guys and four girls; all staring at the floor; worrying about what they were going 
to say and looking just as unfortable as he felt。 

?I?m Nate;? Nate repeated mechanically。 ?A narc caught me buyingmarijuana in the park。 That?s 
why I?m here。? Across the circle a girl with dark brown hair that hung down almost to her waist; 
bloodred lips; and skin so pale it was almost blue gazed at him soulfully; like a coked…up version 
of Snow White。 

?Better;? Jackie said。 ?Next。? She nodded at the Japanese girl sitting next to Nate。 

?My name is Hannah Koto and I took Ecstasy before school two weeks ago and got caught 
because I laid down on the floor to feel the rug in my trig class。? 

Everybody laughed except for Jackie。 ?Thank you; Hannah; that was fine。 Next。? 

Nate tuned the next two people out; kind of grooving on the way Snow White was jiggling her 
foot; like she was keeping time to her own private concert。 She was wearing light blue suede boots 
that looked like they?d never been worn outside。 

Suddenly it was her turn。 ?My name is Georgina Spark。 Everyone calls me Georgie。 I guess I?m 
here because I wasn?t very nice to my father before he croaked; so I have to wait until I turn 
eighteen before I can live my life the way I want to。? 

The rest of the group tittered nervously。 Jackie frowned。 ?Can you name the substance you were 
found abusing; Georgina?? 

?Cocaine;? Georgie answered; letting a curtain of dark hair fall over her face。 ?I sold my favorite 
show horse to buy fifty grams。 It was in the papers and everything。New York Post ; Thursday; 

?Thank you;? Jackie interrupted。 ?Next group member please。? 

Still jiggling her foot; Georgie glanced up through her hair and met Nate?s intrigued gaze with a 
mischievous bloodred smile。 

?Bitch;? she mouthed; obviously referring to Jackie。 

Nate grinned back and nodded his chin ever so slightly。 Saul Burns had told him to treat rehab 
like an after…school job。 Now he had a reason to work hard at it。 

swears her love like a baby tee 

?You?re friends with that Serena chick; right?? Sonny Webster; a lanky boy with jet…black hair 
streaked with paper…bag…brown highlights asked Chuck Bass as they sat in the second row; waiting 
for the Les Best show to begin on Friday night。 Sonny was the son of Vivienne Webster; a British 
lingerie designer whose hip…hugging boy shorts were all the rage at the moment。 Sonny and Chuck 
had met in a bar last night and were already fast friends。 They were even wearing matching Tods 
moccasins? dark brown with neon green rubber soles。 Very gay urban yachtsman; and extremely 
impractical for the unprecedented amount of snow that had been predicted for that evening。 

Chuck nodded。 ?She?s appearing naked。 That?s what I heard; anyway。? He rubbed his newly 
toned stomach。 ?I can?t wait;? he added halfheartedly。 

?See Chuck talking to whatshisname; Vivienne Webster?s totally gay son?? Kati Farkas 
whispered to Isabel Coates。 ?I swear Chuck?s into guys now。? She and Isabel had made it to the 
front row; just as they?d set out to do。 Not because of their pletely unnecessary little volunteer 
effort hanging up NOLOITERINGsigns around Bryant Park but because Isabel?s father; Arthur 
Coates; was a very famous actor who?d plained that his daughter and her frienddeserved to be 
in the front row this year because he?d already spent a fortune on Les Best?s entire spring…summer 

?I think maybe he?s bi;? Isabel whispered back。 ?He?s still wearing that gold monogrammed 
pinky ring。? 

?Yeah;? noted Kati。 ?Like that?s not totally gay。? 

The huge white tent in Bryant Park was packed with fashion magazine editors; photographers; 
actresses; and socialites。 Blondie?s ?Heart of Glass? pounded out of Bose speakers。 Christina 
Ricci sat in the front row on her cell phone arguing with her publicist and defending her decision 
to e to Les Best?s show instead of Jedediah Angel?

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