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gossip girl 4 英文-第1章

小说: gossip girl 4 英文 字数: 每页4000字

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 Gossip Girl 

You Know You Love Me 

All I Want Is Everything 

Because I?m Worth It 

bbonds with j over breast size 

?Just a few fries and some ketchup; please;? Jenny Humphrey told Irene; the 
one…hundred…year…old bearded lunch lady behind the counter in the basement cafeteria of the 
Constance Billard School for Girls。 ?Just afew ;? Jenny repeated。 Today was the first day of peer 
group; and Jenny didn?t want her senior peer group leaders to think she was a total pig。 

Peer group was a new program the school was trying out。 Every Monday at lunchtime the 
freshman girls were to meet in groups of five with two senior girls to discuss peer pressure; body 
image; boys; sex; drugs; alcohol; and any other issues that might be bothering the freshman girls 
or that the two senior peer group leaders deemed important enough to talk about。 The idea was 
that if the older girls shared their experiences with the younger girls and started a sympathetic 
dialogue; the younger girls would make informed decisions instead of stupid 
high…school…career…damaging mistakes that might embarrass their parents or the school。 

With its beamed ceiling; mirrored walls; and birchwood modernist tables and chairs; the 
Constance Billard School cafeteria looked more like a hot new restaurant than an institutional 
dining room。 The dingy old cafeteria had been redone last summer because so many students had 
been going out for lunch or bringing their own that the school had been losing money on wasted 
food。 The new cafeteria had won an architectural prize for its appealing design and high…tech 
kitchen; and it was now the students? favorite in…school hangout; despite the fact that Irene and her 
mean; stingy; grubby…fingernailed old cronies were still the ones serving the food from the 
cafeteria?s updated; nouvelle American menu。 

Jenny wove her way through the clusters of girls in pleated navy blue; gray; or maroon wool 
uniform skirts; picking at their wasabi…smoked tuna burgers and Red Bliss pommes frites and 
chatting about the parties they?d been to this past weekend。 She slid her stainless steel tray onto 
the empty round table that had been reserved for peer group A and sat down with her back to the 
mirrored wall so she wouldn?t have to look at herself while she ate。 She couldn?t wait to find out 
who her senior peer group leaders were going to be。 Supposedly the petition had been fierce; 

since being a leader was a relatively painless way of showing colleges that you were still involved 
in school activities even though your applications were already in。 It was like getting extra credit 
for eating fries and talking about sex for fifty minutes。 

Who wouldn?t want to do that? 

?Hello; Ginny。? Blair Waldorf; the bitchiest; vainest girl in the entire senior class; or maybe the 
entire world; slid her tray into the place across from Jenny and sat down。 She tucked a wavy lock 
of dark brown shoulder…length hair behind her ear and muttered at her reflection in the wall of 
mirrors。 ?I can?t wait for my haircut。? She glanced at Jenny; picked up her fork; and raked it 
through the dollop of whipped cream on top of her chocolate angel food cake。 ?I?m one of the 
leaders for peer group A。 Areyou in group A?? 

Jenny nodded; clutching the seat of her chair as she stared gloomily down at her plate of cold; 
greasy fries。 She couldn?t believe her bad luck。 Not only was Blair Waldorf the most intimidating 
senior in the school; she was also Nate Archibald?s ex…girlfriend。 Blair and Nate had always been 
the perfect couple; the ones destined to stay together forever and ever。 Then; strange as it might 
have seemed; Nate had actually dumped Blair for Jenny after meeting Jenny in the park and 
sharing a joint with her。 

It had been Jenny?s first joint; and Nate had been her first love。 She?d never dreamed of having 
an older boyfriend; let alone one as gorgeous and cool as Nate。 But after a couple of 
too…good…to…be…true months; Nate had gotten bored with Jenny and had proceeded to break her 
heart in the cruelest way by ditching her on New Year?s Eve。 So now she and Blair Waldorf 
actually had something in mon?they?d both been dumped by the same boy。 Not that that made 
any difference。 Jenny was pretty sure that Blair still hated her guts。 

Blair knew perfectly well that Jenny was the balloon…boobed freshman whore who?d stolen her 
Natie away; but she also knew that Nate had dumped Jenny flat on her ass after some extremely 
embarrassing pictures of Jenny?s bare butt in a thong had been posted on the Web just before New 
Year?s Eve。 Blair figured Jenny had already gotten her euppance; and she really couldn?t be 
bothered with hating her anymore。 

Jenny looked up。 ?Who?s your coleader?? she asked timidly。 She wished the other members of 
the group would hurry up and get there before Blair tore her head off with her perfectly manicured 
opalescent…pink fingernails。 

?Serena?s ing。? Blair rolled her eyes。 ?You know her。 She?s always late。? She bed her 
fingers through her hair; envisioning the cut she was going to get when she went for her 
appointment during double free period。 She was going to have them do a mahogany rinse to get 
rid of the copper…colored highlights; and then she wanted it cut short; in a modern; superstylish 
sort of way; like Audrey Hepburn inHow to Steal a Million 。 

?Oh;? Jenny replied; relieved。 Serena van der Woodsen was Blair?s best friend; but she wasn?t 

nearly as intimidating; because she was actuallynice 。 

?Hi; guys。 Is this peer group A?? A gangly; freckled freshman girl named Elise Wells sat down 
next to Jenny。 She smelled like baby powder; and her strawlike blond hair was cut in a chin…length 
bob with thick bangs masking her forehead; exactly like the haircut Nanny gave you when you 
were two。 ?I?m just going to tell you now that I have a problem with eating;? Elise announced。 ?I 
can?t eat in public。? 

Blair nodded and pushed her slice of chocolate cake away from her。 In peer group leader training 
the health teacher; Ms。 Doherty; had told them tolisten and try to besensitive ; putting themselves 
in the younger girls? shoes。 Ms。 Doherty should talk。 All she ever talked about in ninth…grade 
health class was the boyfriends she?d had and all the sexual positions she?d tried。 Still; Ms。 
Doherty was one of the teachers Blair had hit up for an extra remendation to send to the Yale 
admissions office; and she really wanted to stand out as the best peer group leader in the senior 
class。 She wanted her peer group freshmen to like her?no;adore her?and if one of them had a 
problem with eating in public; Blair wasn?t going to sit there gorging herself on chocolate cake; 
especially not when she?d been planning to throw it up as soon as the bell rang anyway。 

Blair pulled a pile of handouts out of her red Louis Vuitton bowling bag。 ?Body image and self 
esteem are two of the issues we?ll be discussing today;? she told Elise and Jenny; trying to sound 
professional。 ?If my coleader and the rest of our group ever decide to get here;? she added 
impatiently。 Was it physically possible for Serena toever be on time?

 Apparently not。 

Just then; in a flurry of dove…gray cashmere and shimmering pale blond hair; Serena van der 
Woodsen slid her shapely; tanned butt into the chair next to Blair。 The three other peer group A 
freshman girls were trailing her like baby ducklings。 ?Look what we suckered Irene into giving us!? 
Serena crowed; slapping a heaping plate full of greasy onion rings down in the middle of the 
table。 ?I told her we were having a special meeting and we werestarving 。? 

Blair glanced sympathetically at Elise; who was glowering at the plate of onion rings with 
blond…lashed blue eyes that would have been pretty if she?d tried using a little dark brown Stila 
lengthening mascara。 ?You?re late;? Blair accused; passing out the handouts to Serena and the 
other three freshmen。 ?I?m Blair;? she told them。 ?And you are 。 。 。 ?? 

?Mary Goldberg; Vicky Reinerson; and Cassie Inwirth;? the three girls responded in unison。 

Elise nudged Jenny?s elbow。 Mary; Vicky; and Cassie were the most annoyingly inseparable 
threesome in the freshman class。 They were always brushing each other?s hair in the hallways; and 
they did everything together; including pee。 

Blair glanced down at the handout and read aloud; ?Body image: accepting and embracing who 
you are。? She looked up and smiled at the freshmen expectantly。 ?Do any of you have a particular 

body image issue you?d like to talk about?? 

Jenny felt the blood creep into her neck and face as she boldly considered telling them about the 
breast…reduction consultation。 But before she could get the words out; Serena crammed an 
enormous onion ring into her delicate mouth and interjected; ?Can I just say something first?? 

Blair frowned at her best friend; but Mary; Vicky; and Cassie were nodding eagerly。 Listening to 
anything Serena van der Woodsen had to say was so much more interesting than any stupid body 
image discussion。 

Serena plunked her elbows down on top of the handout and rested her perfectly chiseled chin in 
her m

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