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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第48章

小说: 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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the twowomen stood。  〃Now; what mortal imagination could conceive it!〃 whispered theold lady; confidentially; to Hester。 〃Yonder divine man! That saint onearth; as the people uphold him to be; and as… I must needs say… hereally looks! Who; now; that saw him pass in the procession; wouldthink how little while it is since he went forth out of his study…chewing a Hebrew text of Scripture in his mouth; I warrant… to take anairing in the forest! Aha! we know what that means; Hester Prynne!But; truly; forsooth; I find it hard to believe him the same man。 Manya church…member saw I; walking behind the music; that has danced inthe same measure with me; when Somebody was fiddler; and; it might be;an Indian powwow or a Lapland wizard changing hands with us! That isbut a trifle; when a woman knows the world。 But this minister! Couldstthou surely tell; Hester; whether he was the same man that encounteredthee on the forest…path?〃  〃Madam; I know not of what you speak;〃 answered Hester Prynne;feeling Mistress Hibbins to be of infirm mind; yet strangelystartled and awe…stricken by the confidence with which she affirmeda personal connection between so many persons (herself among them) andthe Evil One。 〃It is not for me to talk lightly of a learned and piousminister of the Word; like the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale!〃  〃Fie; woman; fie!〃 cried the old lady; shaking her finger at Hester。〃Dost thou think I have been to the forest so many times; and have yetno skill to judge who else has been there? Yea; though no leaf ofthe wild garlands; which they wore while they danced; be left in theirhair! I know thee; Hester; for I behold the token。 We may all see itin the sunshine; and it glows like a red flame in the dark。 Thouwearest it openly; so there need be no question about that。 But thisminister! Let me tell thee; in thine ear! When the Black Man seesone of his own servants; signed and sealed; so shy of owning to thebond as is the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale; he hath a way of orderingmatters so that the mark shall be disclosed in open daylight to theeyes of all the world! What is it that the minister seeks to hide;with his hand always over his heart? Ha; Hester Prynne!〃  〃What is it; good Mistress Hibbins?〃 eagerly asked little Pearl。〃Hast thou seen it?〃  〃No matter; darling!〃 responded Mistress Hibbins; making Pearl aprofound reverence。 〃Thou thyself wilt see it; one time or another。They say; child; thou art of the lineage of the Prince of the Air!Wilt thou ride with me; some fine night; to see thy father? Thenthou shalt know wherefore the minister keeps his hand over his heart!〃  Laughing so shrilly that all the market…place could hear her; theweird old gentlewoman took her departure。  By this time the preliminary prayer had been offered in themeeting…house; and the accents of the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale wereheard mencing his discourse。 An irresistible feeling kept Hesternear the spot。 As the sacred edifice was too much thronged to admitanother auditor; she took up her position close beside the scaffold ofthe pillory。 It was in sufficient proximity to bring the wholesermon to her ears; in the shape of an indistinct; but varied;murmur and flow of the minister's very peculiar voice。  The vocal organ was in itself a rich endowment; insomuch that alistener; prehending nothing of the language in which thepreacher spoke; might still have been swayed to and fro by the meretone and cadence。 Like all other music; it breathed passion andpathos; and emotions high or tender; in a tongue native to the humanheart; wherever educated。 Muffled as the sound was by its passagethrough the church walls; Hester Prynne listened with such intentness;and sympathised so intimately; that the sermon had throughout ameaning for her; entirely apart from its indistinguishable words。These; perhaps; if more distinctly heard; might have been only agrosser medium; and have clogged the spiritual sense。 Now she caughtthe low undertone; as of the wind sinking down to repose itself;then ascended with it; as it rose through progressive gradations ofsweetness and power; until its volume seemed to envelop her with anatmosphere of awe and solemn grandeur。 And yet; majestic as thevoice sometimes became; there was for ever in it an essentialcharacter of plaintiveness; a loud or low expression of anguish… thewhisper; or the shriek; as it might be conceived; of sufferinghumanity; that touched a sensibility in every bosom! At times thisdeep strain of pathos was all that could be heard; and scarcely heard;sighing amid a desolate silence。 But even when the minister's voicegrew high and manding… when it gushed irrepressibly upward… when itassumed its utmost breadth and power; so overfilling the church asto burst its way through the solid walls; and diffuse itself in theopen air… still; if the auditor listened intently; and for thepurpose; he could detect the same cry of pain。 What was it? Theplaint of a human heart; sorrow…laden; perchance guilty; tellingits secret; whether of guilt or sorrow; to the great heart of mankind;beseeching its sympathy or forgiveness… at every moment… in eachaccent… and never in vain! It was this profound and continualundertone that gave the clergyman his most appropriate power。  During all this time; Hester stood; statue…like; at the foot ofthe scaffold。 If the minister's voice had not kept her there; therewould nevertheless have been an inevitable magism in that spot;whence she dated the first hour of her life of ignominy。 There was asense within her… to ill…defined to be made a thought; but weighingheavily on her mind… that her whole orb of life; both before andafter; was connected with this spot; as with the one point that gaveit unity。  Little Pearl; meanother's side; and wasplaying at her own will about the market…place。 She made the sombrecrowd cheerful by her erratic and glistening ray; even as a bird ofbright plumage illuminates a whole tree of dusty foliage; by dartingto and fro; half seen and half concealed amid the twilight of theclustering leaves。 She had an undulating; but; oftentimes; a sharp andirregular movement。 It indicated the restless vivacity of herspirit; which to…day was doubly indefatigable in its tiptoe dance;because it was played upon and vibrated with her mother's disquietude。Whenever Pearl saw anything to excite her ever active and wanderingcuriosity; she flew thitherward; and; as we might say; seized uponthat man or thing as her own property; so far as she desired it; butwithout yielding the minutest degree of control over her motions inrequital。 The Puritans looked on; and; if they smiled; were none theless inclined to pronounce the child a demon offspring; from theindescribable charm of beauty and eccentricity that shone throughher little figure; and sparkled with its activity。 She ran andlooked the wild Indian in the face; and he grew conscious of anature wilder than his own。 Thence; with native audacity; but stillwith a reserve as characteristic; she flew into the midst of a groupof mariners; the swarthy…cheeked wild men of the ocean; as the Indianswere of the land; and they gazed wonderingly and admiringly atPearl; as if a flake of the sea…foam had taken the shape of a littlemaid; and were gifted with a soul of the sea…fire; that flashesbeneath the prow in the night…time。  One of these seafaring men… the shipmaster; indeed; who had spokento Hester Prynne… was so smitten with Pearl's aspect; that heattempted to lay hands upon her; with purpose to snatch a kiss。Finding it as impossible to touch her as to catch a humming…bird inthe air; he took from his hat the gold chain that was twisted aboutit; and threw it to the child。 Pearl immediately twined it aroundher neck and waist; with such happy skill; that; once seen there; itbecame a part of her; and it was difficult to imagine her without it。  〃Thy mother is yonder woman with the scarlet letter;〃 said theseaman。 〃Wilt thou carry her a message from me?〃  〃If the message pleases me; I will;〃 answered Pearl。  〃Then tell her;〃 rejoined he; 〃that I spake again with theblack…a…visaged; hump…shouldered old doctor; and he engages to bringhis friend; the gentleman she wots of; aboard with him。 So let thymother take no thought; save for herself and thee。 Wilt thou tellher this; thou witch…baby?〃  〃Mistress Hibbins says my father is the Prince of the Air!〃 criedPearl; with a naughty smile。 〃If thou callest me that ill name; Ishall tell him of thee; and he will chase thy ship with a tempest!〃  Pursuing a zigzag course across the market…place; the child returnedto her mother; and municated what the mariner had said。 Hester'sstrong; calm; steadfastly enduring spirit almost sank; at last; onbeholding this dark and grim countenance of an inevitable doom; which…at the moment when a passage seemed to open for the minister andherself out of their labyrinth of misery… showed itself; with anunrelenting smile; right in the midst of their path。  With her mind harassed by the terrible perplexity in which theshipmaster's intelligence involved her; she was also subjected toanother trial。 There were many people present; from the countryround about; who had often heard scarlet letter; and to whom it hadbeen made terrific by a hundred false or exaggerated rumours; butwho had never beheld it with their own bodily eyes。 These; afterexhaus

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