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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第26章

小说: 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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;transfigured with the glory eanwhile; nevertheless; it was sad to think of the perchance mortalagony through which he must struggle towards his triumph。  Alas! to judge from the gloom and terror in the depths of the poorminister's eyes; the battle was a sore one; and the victory anythingbut secure。                             X。                  THE LEECH AND HIS PATIENT。  OLD Roger Chillingworth; throughout life; had been calm intemperament; kindly; though not of warm affections; but ever; and inall his relations with the world; a pure and upright man。 He had begunan investigation; as he imagined; with the severe and equalintegrity of a judge; desirous only of truth; even as if thequestion involved no more than the air…drawn lines and figures of ageometrical problem; instead of human passions; and wrongs inflictedon himself。 But; as he proceeded; a terrible fascination; a kind offierce; though still calm; necessity seized the old man within itsgripe; and never set him free again; until he had done all itsbidding。 He now dug into the poor clergyman's heart; like a minersearching for gold; or; rather; like a sexton delving into a grave;possibly in quest of a jewel that had been buried on the dead man'sbosom; but likely to find nothing save mortality and corruption。Alas for his own soul; if these were what he sought!  Sometimes; a light glimmered out of the physician's eyes; burningblue and ominous; like the reflection of a furnace; or; let us say;like one of those gleams of ghastly fire that darted from Bunyan'sawful doorway in the hill…side; and quivered on the pilgrim's face。The soil where this dark miner was working had perchance shownindications that encouraged him。  〃This man;〃 said he; at one such moment; to himself; 〃pure as theydeem him… all spiritual as he seems… hath inherited a strong animalnature from his father or his mother。 Let us dig a little farther inthe direction of this vein!〃  Then; after long search into the minister's dim interior; andturning over many precious materials; in the shape of high aspirationsfor the welfare of his race; warm love of souls; pure sentiments;natural piety; strengthened by thought and study; and illuminated byrevelation… all of which invaluable gold was perhaps no better thanrubbish to the seeker… he would turn back; discouraged; and beginhis quest towards another point。 He groped along as stealthily; withas cautious a tread; and as wary an outlook; as a thief entering achamber where a man lies only half asleep… or; it may be; broad awake…with purpose to steal the very treasure which this man guards as theapple of his eye。 In spite of his premeditated carefulness; thefloor would now and then creak; his garments would rustle; theshadow of his presence; in a forbidden proximity; would be thrownacross his victim。 In other words; Mr。 Dimmesdale; whose sensibilityof nerve often produced the effect of spiritual intuition; wouldbee vaguely aware that something inimical to his peace had thrustitself into relation with him。 But old Roger Chillingworth; too; hadperceptions that were almost intuitive; and when the minister threwhis startled eyes towards him; there the physician sat; his kind;watchful; sympathising; but never intrusive friend。  Yet Mr。 Dimmesdale would perhaps have seen this individual'scharacter more perfectly; if a certain morbidness; to which sickhearts are liable; had not rendered him suspicious of all mankind。Trusting no man as his friend; he could not recognise his enemy whenthe latter actually appeared。 He therefore still kept up a familiarintercourse with him; daily receiving the old physician in hisstudy; or visiting the laboratory; and; for recreation's sake;watching the processes by which weeds were converted into drugs ofpotency。  One day; leaning his forehead on his hand; and his elbow on the sillof the open window; that looked towards the graveyard; he talkedwith Roger Chillingworth; while the old man was examining a bundleof unsightly plants。  〃Where;〃 asked he; with a look askance at them… for it was theclergyman's peculiarity that he seldom; nowadays; lookedstraight…forth at any object; whether human or inanimate… 〃where; mykind doctor; did you gather those herbs; with such a dark; flabbyleaf?〃  〃Even in the graveyard here at hand;〃 answered the physician;continuing his employment。 〃They are new to me。 I found them growingon a grave; which bore no tombstone; nor other memorial of the deadman; save these ugly weeds; that have taken upon themselves to keephim in remembrance。 They grew out of his heart; and typify; it may be;some hideous secret that was buried with him; and which he had donebetter to confess during his lifetime。〃  〃Perchance;〃 said Mr。 Dimmesdale; 〃he earnestly desired it; butcould not。〃  〃And wherefore?〃 rejoined the physician。 〃Wherefore not; since allthe powers of nature call so earnestly for the confession of sin; thatthese black weeds have sprung up out of a buried heart; to makemanifest an unspoken crime?〃  〃That; good sir; is but a fantasy of yours;〃 replied the minister。〃There can be; if I forebode aright; no power; short of the Divinemercy; to disclose; whether by uttered words; or by type or emblem;the secrets that may be buried with a human heart。 The heart; makingitself guilty of such secrets; must perforce hold them until the daywhen all hidden things shall be revealed。 Nor have I so read orinterpreted Holy Writ; as to understand that the disclosure of humanthoughts and deeds; then to be made; is intended as a part of theretribution。 That; surely; were a shallow view of it。 No; theserevelations; unless I greatly err; are meant merely to promote theintellectual satisfaction of all intelligent beings; who will standwaiting; on that day; to see the dark problem of this life made plain。A knowledge of men's hearts will be needful to the pletest solutionof that problem。 And I conceive; moreover; that the hearts holdingsuch miserable secrets as you speak of will yield them up; at thatlast day; not with reluctance; but with a joy unutterable。〃  〃Then why not reveal them here?〃 asked Roger Chillinginister。 〃Why should not the guilty onessooner avail themselves of this unutterable solace?〃  〃They mostly do;〃 said the clergyman; griping hard at his breast; asif afflicted with an importunate throb of pain。 〃Many; many a poorsoul hath given its confidence to me; not only on the deathbed; butwhile strong in life; and fair in reputation。 And ever; after suchan outpouring; oh; what a relief have I witnessed in those sinfulbrethren! even as in one who at last draws free air; after longstifling with his own polluted breath。 How can it be otherwise? Whyshould a wretched man; guilty; we will say; of murder; prefer tokeep the dead corpse buried in his own heart; rather than fling itforth at once; and let the universe take care of it?〃  〃Yet some men bury their secrets thus;〃 observed the calm physician。  〃True; there are such men;〃 answered Mr。 Dimmesdale。 〃But; not tosuggest more obvious reasons; it may be that they are kept silent bythe very constitution of their nature。 Or… can we not suppose it?…guilty as they may be; retaining; nevertheless; a zeal for God's gloryand man's welfare; they shrink from displaying themselves black andfilthy in the view of men; because; thenceforward; no good can beachieved by them; no evil of the past be redeemed by better service。So; to their own unutterable torment; they go about among theirfellow…creatures; looking pure as new…fallen snow; while theirhearts are all speckled and spotted with iniquity of which they cannotrid themselves。〃  〃These men deceive themselves;〃 said Roger Chillingworth; withsomewhat more emphasis than usual; and making a slight gesture withhis forefinger。 〃They fear to take up the shame that rightfullybelongs to them。 Their love for man; their zeal for God's service…these holy impulses may or may not coexist in their hearts with theevil inmates to which their guilt has unbarred the door; and whichmust needs propagate a hellish breed within them。 But; if they seek toglorify God; let them not lift heavenward their unclean hands! If theywould serve their fellow…men; let them do it by making manifest thepower and reality of conscience; in constraining them to penitentialself…abasement! Wouldst thou have me to believe; O wise and piousfriend; that a false show can be better… can be more for God'sglory; or man's welfare… than God's own truth? Trust me; such mendeceive themselves!〃  〃It may be so;〃 said the young clergyman; indifferently; aswaiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable。 Hehad a ready faculty; indeed; of escaping from any topic thatagitated his too sensitive and nervous temperament。 〃But; now; I wouldask of my well…skilled physician; whether; in good sooth; he deemsme to have profited by his kindly care of this weak frame of mine?〃  Before Roger Chillingworth could answer; they heard the clear;wild laughter of a young child's voice; proceeding from the adjacentburial…ground。 Looking instinctively from the open window… for itwas summer…time… the minister beheld Hester Prynne and little Pearlpassing along the footpath that traversed the enclosure。 Pearllooked as beautiful as the day; but was in one of those moods ofperverse merriment which; whenever they occurred; seemed to re

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